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Best Games of 2019

2019 GOTY. (Max: 30)

Still want to play: DMC5, Gears 5

List items

  • Maybe the hardest game I've ever beat, with one of the most satisfying combat systems, perfect controls. It has some of the best and most satisfying moments in videogames.

    *Best Action Game

    *Best Moment

  • The best Battle Royale game out there, so innovative.

    *Best FPS

    *Best Multiplayer

  • The craziest and most confusing game of recent times, but I loved it. So much style with some amazing moments.

    *Best Art Direction

  • One of the five best Call of Duty of all time.

    *Best Audio Design

    *Best Character (Cpt Price)

  • One of the best remakes of all time. It could've been even better if the separation of the two stories was less repetitive.

    *Best Survival-Horror

    *Best Remake

    *Best Graphics

  • The best indie game of the year, so stylish with awesome controls.

    *Best Soundtrack

    *Best Indie Game

    *Best Art Style

  • So underrated, it's so much more complete than the first one. It came out too early in the year so people kept dismissing it, the best of it's genre.

    *Best Co-op

  • I nice follow up to one of the best games of all time.

  • A good mixture of games like Fallout, Mass Effect, and Borderlands.

    *Best RPG

  • Technical issues and the protagonist being the least interesting of the cast is what keeps this game of being the best Star Wars games ever. Everything else is amazing.

  • A series that became underrated after the first season. Despite a not very good season 3, this one gives it a proper sendoff.

    *Best Story

  • Another Borderlands game, you can call it "more of the same", but they make it fun enough, with great characters, both old and new. Tons of variety and satisfying shooting.

  • The best version of the new genre created in 2019, Autobattlers.

  • Since I first saw this game I knew I would love it, and I did, when I first started playing it, but it kind of burned me out after I finally beat it. The desire to do more runs stopped making sense after the credits.

  • I love the fact that this game exists, it combines two things I loved in the GBA (Advance Wars and Fire Emblem), I just couldn't love as much as I thought, despite it being great.

  • This game has one of the highest levels of creativity I've seen in some time. So satisfying.

  • The game that created a genre and dominated steam for about two months.

  • I get it why people love this game, it has some amazing moments, I went to some places that I shouldn't in the beginning, the space is vast and intimidating. I got scared, my heart was racing, I was intrigued and amazed, but it faded out before I got to the meat of it. After about 8 hours I was tired of the time loop, so many times it ended in the near end of my exploration in a specific area. The same thing happened to me in 2016, with The Witness, I get why people love it, I just can't get into games that make you feel directionless. The same thing happened when I tried the first Dark Souls (I quit after 12ish hours, for being tired of feeling lost). The only exception was Breath of the Wild, which is one of my favorite games ever.

  • Do you love this game? I can see why. But for me, it bugged out three times, the third of those making me have to go back for about 20-30 minutes.

  • My expectations for this game were rock bottom, and it's actually pretty good, I had a blast with the stylish action combat.

  • A great callback to Streets of Rage and Final Fight

  • An amazing combination of Contra 3 and Metal Slug. A hidden gem of the year.

  • I started this game loving it, but by the end, I was so disappointed that they couldn't stick the landing in all the ideas. Especially the RPG elements with level-scaling, that frustrated me a lot.

  • Valve kind of dropped the ball after putting out their own version. The original creators wanted to be independent, Valve kept the models but changed the rest. It was the slowest one to put some quality of life things, it had the worst balance and the longest game time.

  • Beautiful game, amazing setting, bad voice-over, terrible voice acting, bugs, rough around the edges. A game I thought I would love, especially seeing some nice reviews about it, but I was really disappointed by how unpolished it felt. The game is so beautiful and has so much detail, but that increases the attention drawn to the other little things.

  • I think this game was not that good when it comes to level design. The soundtrack and style make it a good game.

  • This is not really a game, it's more of a visual-interactive music album, where you have to press buttons at the right time and move your character side-to-side while you watch and listen to the presentation.

  • You need to put dozens of hours in this game to make it enjoyable, it's so complex. The only thing I really enjoyed is the soundtrack.