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Conquests 14: Out of Ideas For These Titles (Games I Beat in 2024)

Here we go, year 14! of making these lists. Last year I actually set my record since making these lists with 73 games beaten. Now I will say a lot of them are pretty short games, but a large portion of them are games I had not played previously. I have been loving beating retro games for Retro Achievements, which now also tracks games beaten as well as mastered. I imagine this year will still have a lot of older games on this list, but I can not imagine I will top the sheer number of games beaten in 2023.

If anyone wants to add me as a friend on Retro Achievements I am always happy to have more, my profile is here.

I will quote my criteria from previous years.

As with every year I am counting games that I finish the story or campaign mode on, or whatever the equivalent may be. In some cases a game may not have a story mode, so I will count it if I finish every achievement or goal. In the case of some pinball machines (on Pinball Arcade) I will count them if I finish every standard and wizard goal. I will also count a game beat if I put a ton of time into it if it has no way of finishing it. If the game is primarily multiplayer I will count it if I have finished all the achievements/trophies or possibly if the game has challenges or such.

Previous Years Lists

List items

  • What an interesting first game to beat in the year. This game ended up being more interesting than I had thought it would be. It is actually an adventure game, when in fact I just assumed by the title it would be some kind of generic platformer. The music gets REALLY repetitive, so I would suggest playing it on mute, but the art is actually really neat with some really impressive character portraits for a GBC game.

  • This seems to be one of those "easy achievement/trophy games. While I initially played it not expecting anything, I actually liked this very simple tile based Dungeon crawler/Rogue-like.

  • Got this one in a bundle on Steam and finally decided to play it. I had only messed around with the first couple of levels of Zool in the past. This version of Zool was actually kind of fun, at least for a while. Those last couple of worlds though really felt like a drag.

  • Finished the arcade version in Capcom Arcade Stadium 2. This is a game I played the SNES version of a ton as a kid. I never did see an actual arcade cabinet of it, so I had never played that version. The arcade version really seems a lot better than the SNES version, even though I have a ton of great memories with it.

  • Finished this one for Retro Achievements. I didn't even manage to get very many points on this despite finishing it as the achievements are meant for masochists. This game is incredibly repetitive with incredibly boring combat with enemies that have far too much health.

  • Pretty simple little game that I ended up mastering for Retro Achievements.

  • I FINALLY got around to finishing this one. I got somewhere about halfway through years ago now and for whatever reason didn't get back to it. Well, I got God of War: Ragnarok as a Christmas gift so I decided I really wanted to finish this before playing it. I really enjoyed the story quite a bit, but I will be honest that the combat got kind of boring to me after a while.

  • Genesis version.

  • CPC Version. This game is a pretty standard kids game, but it feels so slow and clunky. If it were not for Retro Achievements, there is no way I would have done everything in this game.

  • NES Version

  • Played through the Japanese feature phone version that was release on Steam.

  • PSP version.

  • PC

  • Genesis version.