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    Koichi Ishii

    Person » credited in 22 games

    Serving as a game director and producer at Square Enix, Koichi Ishii is best known as the creator of the Mana series.

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    Koichi Ishii began working at Square Enix (Square Co. at the time) in 1986 where he was hired as a part time graphics designer. He then worked on Final Fantasy games and created the well recognized symbols of the series: Chocobos and Moogles. He did not however achieve recognition until the birth of the Mana series (known in Japan as Seiken Densetsu). He initiated the Mana revival in 1991 after the series was canceled in 1987 and to date Ishii has directed or produced every Mana game released. After the World of Mana project, Ishii left Square-Enix and started a company called Grezzo.


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