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blah blah 1

test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  testasdf asdfasdfasdfasdfasd  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  te...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

My Favorite Combat RPG of All Time 13

Rambling on about one of my favorite games. Nerd alert.It's funny you know, I have this amazing gaming PC at home (my work machine on the other hand is a Mac) and despite it being able to put my xbox 360 to shame I find myself regularly loading up a 2D based RPG released almost 4 years ago by a legendary, though now defunct studio. What has me playing Icewind Dale 2 instead of Oblivion (which is a great game that I still haven't finished)? Party-based gameplay, best of genre strategic combat and...

35 out of 36 found this review helpful.

Review Monster 0

Hey, I bet this gives no tangible notice that I've completed this review. Sean thinks that people will anally fill out multiple reviews of multiple platforms all in one sitting. If they did, do you know what they'd fill out? The SAME review COPY/PASTED into the exact same review box for a separate platform....

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.