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My Top 10 NES Games

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  • 10. My first NES game and possibly the most classic video game ever.

  • 9. Fun game to play with a friend. We would always get real nervous when the music changed and then when the the screen flashed "Freddy's Coming!" we'd scream with fear/excitement!

  • 8. My first horror game or at least it felt that way. This game gave me chills. Loved the story and exploration of the house and the sense of choice the game gave you.

  • 7. This is one of those games that used that goofy NES adapter as I think it was third party. Bonk's Adventure used it too I believe. This game was fun due the environments you raced in, the sense of speed and cool physics. Not just cars but helicopters and boats too.

  • 6. Going from Micro Machines to Matchbox. Quite possibly inspired GTA? Great concept, patrolling the streets of a city looking to bust criminals.

  • 5. Ah Indy Heat. My best friend owned this game and was my favorite racing game on the NES. One of those endless loop games so it probably doesn't hold too well today but it was fun trying to beat Danny Sullivan and his "evil" yellow car.

  • 4. Loved this game. My sister and I spent hours upon hours trying to set traps and keep away from Marv and Harry...but we never could. I remember it took us years before we figured out you could hide. It didn't help us too much. *slaps forehead*

  • 3. Just like many others, loved this game. No explanation needed really.

  • 2. The Code! Another countless hours game. Played this with my cousin every time we saw each other. It never got old destroying the alien colony. Always has to be played with someone else for full enjoyment IMO.

  • 1. My favorite NES game ever. Always played this with my best friend and we always used the Game Genie haha. Great story with cool environments and characters.