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  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic This game is a real stinker. on the Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance board

    @deckard said:@big_denim:Outer Wilds: I consider this first-party since MS owns themOuter W*lds mixups are a time honoured tradition :-P

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic Am i rare in being always behind on games??. on the General Discussion board

    Nope. I literally just started Hotline Miami last night

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic Jeff statement on the future of the site. on the General Discussion board

    @noboners: Honestly the idea of Jeff putting out e3 style interviews on a more regular basis might be enough to get me to continue my subscription

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post Episode 311.

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic Brad's got that Dan energy. on the Bombcast board

    @ninazu said:Hmm, foretelling of how Brad now has that Dan energy and is leaving?Actually Dan leaving had Brad energy. Brad invented leaving

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post Pac-Man 99.

    I've kind of settled on a strategy of just leaving the power-up on speed, and then just focus on completely clearing screens (and maintaining the ghost combo if possible) to get the speed level up unt...

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post Balan Wonderworld.

    This looks fine? I feel like stuff like this comes out on Steam all the time. The only unusual thing is that this is a full price game

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury.

    @bisonhero: Yeah. This just feels like one of the larger kingdoms in Odyssey, like the Sand Kingdom or something

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic All video progress (the red bars) gone. on the Bug Reporting board

    Just lost mine

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post Assassin's Creed Syndicate (01/27/21).

    The vitriol that a lot of people online have for Picard is confusing to me. It's not exactly what I want out of Star Trek, but it's not that bad

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Five.

    I played a ton of the original Animal Crossing, and some amount of New Leaf, and I honestly just find Jeff's New Horizon takes to be baffling. There's just so much more you can do in New Horizon compa...

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post 660: They're Only Stems!.

    @curufinwe: Right? These kinds of conventions that are agreed upon retroactively are pretty common in history. Like it's not like people in the bronze age were walking around saying stuff like "gee I ...

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post The Jeff Gerstmann Home Game: That Stupid Special Mario Game Part 2.

    Is it weird that I kind of dig the weird off pitch version of the underwater music?

  • FreakAche posted a message on the post The Worst Songs of the '80s.

    People don't like Last Christmas? What the fuck?

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic content lacking. on the General Discussion board

    I honestly don't know how people even manage to stay caught up with the content on this site

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic Accountability in Games Press. on the General Discussion board

    @bladeofcreation said:If this ever happens with someone affiliated with Giant Bomb, I suspect that they would make a statement.You say that, but Nick Robinson effectively got his start in the industry...

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic Best Moments in Mario's Life. on the Mario board

    I'll personally never forget the moment when he kissed Shadow the Hedgehog in my fan fiction

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic Lockdowning the E3 prediction game. on the E3 board

    I think they've straight up said that there won't be any Starfield this year at all. Also for Nintendo, while I think the stuff you mentioned will be there, I think it's far more likely that we'll se...

  • FreakAche posted a message in the forum topic What are you most excited to see or hoping to see at E3 this year?. on the E3 2019 board

    Nintendo is always the highlight for me. And considering they already have like six major releases this year that we know about, I'm very curious if they have any big surprises they've been holding on...