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Sometimes I play video games on camera, other times I play them off.. I am an enigma

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While I agree that this game isn't going to blow anyone's socks off in any particular category, I do think it's a little better (maybe a 7/10) then you give it credit for.. but I am a sucker for jrpgs, even the more simple kind.

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@bigsocrates:Yes.. Yes.. I had a typo.. I will fix it. I am curious about the remake because I did think Metroid 2 was interesting, but I don't know if there is a enough there to justify a re-make.. I am guessing the re-make greatly expands on some things and areas and its not a one for one remake.. and Yes I refuse to use google to see how right or wrong my prediction is.

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We talked very recently about only having limited time on this planet and limited game time. I turn my back for one minute and you waste some of that precious time talking about and looking into the Amico. I mean the hour you spent on this amino project could be one hour down in Smoke and Sacrifice, or All Walls must Fall.. which I am desperate for someone else to play.

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I honestly think that Microsoft is just reaching this point a little ahead of Sony. The current state of gaming isn't sustainable anymore, and nearly company has made any course corrections. Every game released is required to sell to 80 or 90% of the consoles out there otherwise it's considered a failure. Budgets have ballooned and I get why, but these companies need to get back to developing mid tier games with expectations that are more realisitc..

Maybe our games don't need perfectly reflective puddles, or sweat tech.. What I'm saying is bring back second sight for the xbox.

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I will say this blog is very uplifting, and I think that's what I like about it. I mean, what could be depressing about every billion dollar company trying to squeeze an extra dollar out of the poorer people that use its services.

In reality I think game companies are in for a reckoning real soon and I think the industry is going to go through some low times in the next 5 to 10 years. Companies, share holders, and ceos will soon learn that every game can't have a billion dollar budget and make back its money in this industry.

It's also what makes me ever more nostalgic for older games.. nothing like firing up a game and knowing it's complete and there isn't a missing patch or dlc that makes the game complete.

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@nuttism: I have had beacon pines on a wishlist forever... so this tells me I need to pick it up.

I think in terms of discourse is that all of it is done as a form of "content" now that people and websites have to weigh on whether something gets coverage.. i know this was somewhat always the case (its not like Giant bomb was NOT trying to make money). Big games will attract all the streamers, video essayist and website because it's a big game and will bring in the most traffic. To Socrates point, everyone and their mom had a mario wonder take because it was a big game.

But for indies, unless that is what they are known for (covering indies), a streamer isn't likely going to cover them because it won't bring people to their streams or videos as much as a big game would. It's similar to giant bomb, and as much as I love them, they don't have the bandwidth to cover that many games so they have to prioritize and that means it's going to be big games so people will tune in to see it thus making the discourse for indie games relegated to people doing hidden gem takes, writing small blogs, or hoping a game blows up.

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While I won't argue any of your points because I think in the general sense, yes a AAA game has all those things in favor of an indie game. That is of course not to say there aren't exceptions (vampire survivors is a spectacle) but AAA games have a leg up. And your argument didn't go here, but I think sometimes AAA games can overuse those things to the detriment of the game.

In terms of discourse I think this is just a symptom of getting older. We (I'm lumping your age in with mine) don't have the playgrounds to talk about games with friends anymore. Hell we are still posting on a forum (something only people our age still know of) and we are aging out of the demographic most companies are aiming for. Twitch and youtube gaming isn't going to be for me, so while I like the old people here at giantbomb, I also know that they have a job to play and talk about games that are going to drive people to their content, which is going to skew towards bigger games. There will be people you can find that will discuss whatever game you want, but it will just be harder to find.

However, while it seems like you bemoan missing these things in indie games, I actually think it is what helps some of them shine. I have more recent great gaming memories playing indies because I either find their lack of AAA polish and spectacle refreshing, or their lack of discourse like I'm finding a hidden gem. Some of my recent memorable gaming moments came from striking it lucky on indie games over the proven AAA game.

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@chamurai: I don't know what it runs for now.. but I would probably not suggest getting it.. it's absolutely bonkers but it's certainly not a game I think a lot of people would actually like.

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Glad to hear you are back on the train.. now can I interest you in some truly awful games from the early 90s?

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@glots: thanks for the comment.. I think ibwas mainly just disappointed in how "samesy" it played every level. The characters stopped feeling unique, the levels all looked the same, and even the puzzles just became a string of rooms with pinpoint jumping requirements.