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Kone's Top 10 Liked Tweets of 2023 (#1 will shock you!)

I wouldn't steal a car, but I would download a copyrighted picture of one and Photoshop it.

Ah, another year of making dumb Giant Bomb-related content, and some non-Giant Bomb-related content too (remember this for later). Last year, my list consisted of top 10 tweets according to Twitter Analytics, but I changed it up this year because I realized that the site ranks top tweets by impressions. So if a bunch of people saw my post but no one actually liked it, it would still be a top tweet, which is really dumb... much like the site itself these days. Hey-oh!

Before I start, I just wanted to note that this list wouldn't be possible if it weren't for those who shared my content over the year, especially those who have thousands upon thousands of followers (basically the Giant Bomb staff). So thanks, everyone, for supporting me... a thief!

That's right, if you've seen my stuff before, you would've noticed that I make remixed content. I take sources from different things and edit them together to create a final product. It's rare that I actually make something of my own. As I said, you support thievery! Piracy!

Anyway, here's the top 10. (If you want more context, each title links to the actual tweet. Twitter embeds are wonky, so I had to do a workaround.)

10. Dr. Jeff Grubbond

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I certainly didn't see this one coming. It was a just quick and easy Photoshop to make Jeff Grubb look like Dr. John Hammond! All I did was add the Jurassic Park gate in the background, the mosquito-in-amber knob on the cane, and on Jeff's bag strap, a pin of a shirtless Ian Malcolm, which many of you know is a Hidden Mickey of sorts in my content (not really, I just wanted you to think that I'm a weirdo who puts shirtless Hidden Malcolms in my stuff for some reason).

9. BatGrubb: The Aniblighted Series

I'm really happy with how this one turned out. It was quite challenging. But part of the fun is coming up with an idea and seeing if I can make it into reality. I'm so glad Jeff posed this way too because if he hadn't, this video wouldn't have been possible. I guess I could've drawn him in this heroic stance, but that takes skill which I don't have. Plus, it's all about stealing for me, remember?

8. Presenter Jeff Grubb

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When I kept seeing those tweets from The Game Awards featuring presenters for its upcoming show in a weird yellow-orange diamond design, I knew I had to use it in some way. Luckily, Giant Bomb @ Nite was happening, so it was the perfect fit. With a bit of Photoshop and slapping on a creepy-looking Jeff Grubb, we were good to go. I've never actually noticed, but what if that's his resting creep face?

7. LEGO Brickheadz: Giant Bomb (2023)

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I suppose you can say that this and the other LEGO artwork I've done can be considered the only non-theft pieces. Then again, I did take inspiration from official LEGO designs and from others who've posted their own creations online. I told you I was a thief. This is the part where you should be saying something like, "It's okay, all creative work is derivative." And to that, I'll say, "Thanks, I'm stealing that quote too."

6. The Giant Bomb Couch: A Fictionalized Screenshot of Events

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During Giant Bomb @ Nite at Summer Game(s) (for those who like adding an S there) Fest, three big things came out of it: Phil Spencer and Matt Booty showed up, Dan Ryckert retold his egg white story, and people finally realized how weird Mike Minotti is. I witnessed a few people wondering, "Did Phil Spencer see Mike's feet?" That's when I got the idea of getting the perfect screenshots and mashing them all together with Photoshop. What if Phil did see Mike's feet? What if Dan told his egg white story to Phil?

My favorite thing to come out of this would be the fact that Angelo Alcid, a senior counsel at Microsoft, quote tweeted it while saying, "those are my clients on that couch, yup." Was he just playing along with the ridiculousness of the fake screenshots? Or did he think those were real interactions? I guess we'll never know (unless someone asks him, I guess).

5. My Kids Are Not Poggers

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When The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom came out, there was much talk about the new character, Addison, aka Sign Guy. When I saw Sign Guy's sign's design, a chill ran down my spigne as it remignded me of the divigne Paul Ryckert bumper sticker. That's when I knew a mashup needed to happen.

4. Kevinotti James Smirking

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I've been living with this lie for three months now and I have to get it off my chest. I mentioned in my tweet that someone said that I "should make a Giant Bomb-related thing for that new Kevin James meme." That was a blatant lie to help with the meme. I'm a thief and a liar.

3. Kinda Funny Popping Off for Mike Minotti

Instead of taking the time to find it himself, or even asking politely, Jeff Grubb demanded his followers to find a Kinda Funny clip for him. Rather than doing the bidding of a man on a power trip, I decided to find an old clip of Tim Gettys, Andy Cortez, and Greg Miller going crazy over the announcement of Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077 and him actually appearing on the E3 (RIP) stage, and then replacing that footage with Mike Minotti showing his feet.

2. Dan Ryckert's Egg White Story

I forget when I first knew of Dan's egg white story, but when he retold it at Summer Game(s) Fest to people who hadn't heard about it before, I knew it would make for good content. It really looked like Mike Howard (SnowBikeMike) had his soul crushed while listening to the outcome of the eggs, so I knew I had to slap it into that classic Ralph Wiggum heartbreak meme.

1. The Game Awards Winners’ Speeches

So the title of this top 10 list wasn't just a clickbait joke! That's right, my number one tweet in 2023 had nothing to do with Giant Bomb at all. During The Game Awards, winners had their speeches cut short by having music played over them while "Please Wrap It Up" screens popped up. The screens weren't shown to the viewers at home, but pictures made their way onto social media. "What's something that I can steal and then put this sign into it?" Another classic Simpsons meme would be the answer.

And there you have it, my top 10 liked tweets of 2023. Again, thanks to those who knowingly shared content that I stole. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

So what's next for 2024? Who knows? Maybe I'll get the coveted title of Giant Bombfluencer. A man can dream. Or have nightmares if that were the case.