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Edited By ll_Exile_ll

Seems like a clear case of the big 3 contenders just being ordered 1-3 based mostly on sales. More people played Zelda than BG3, and more people played BG3 than Alan Wake.

Obviously, this is unavoidable with this type of voting method, but I'd be interested to see what the average placement each got when it was voted for at all. Essentially, how points per vote compares to the total voting results.

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Edited By ll_Exile_ll

@tomac said:

@sammo21: It's a 60fps open world game (i presume with co-op and splitscreen). Not many of those exist for console. I'm not saying the game looks great, but it will feel great to play.

Spider Man Miles Morales will have a 60 FPS mode on PS5. Even if that game ends up looking identical to Spider Man on PS4 but at 60FPS, it's already an open world game that looks better visually than Halo Infinite. And, though they haven't shown as much of that as we saw of Halo, it does look to have some visual upgrades over the PS4 game from what has been shown.

Like, I think the base line for what Halo should be achieving is the visual fidelity of the best looking open world games that exist on the current gen machines, but at native 4K and 60 FPS instead of the checkerboard 4K at 30 FPS we see in games like Spider Man and Horizon. I don't think it achieves that.

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Edited By ll_Exile_ll

@waylo said:
@ll_exile_ll said:
@emtee said:

I was absolutely shocked that it wasn't.

@waylo said:

Destiny 2 should be on this list.

Destiny 2 is only a disappointment to the people that like Destiny 1, and none of the staff liked Destiny 1. In fact, I believe Destiny 1 won most disappointing the year it came out. Since most disappointing is based on expectation, it would be weird for a sequel to a disappointing game to also win most disappointing.

Anyway, it seems like most people that didn't like the first actually did like Destiny 2 a lot more, including the staff. That's especially the case with them and many others that didn't stick with the first game for the long haul to see how much better it got over those 3 years (and how much Destiny 2 regressed in very meaningful ways over where Destiny 1 ended up).

Destiny 2 is certainly my most disappointing game followed closely by Mass Effect Andromeda. Considering Destiny and Mass Effect are two of my most played/favorite franchises of all time, getting 2 supremely disappointing sequels would have made 2017 a real bummer if not for the tons of other great games that came out this year.

I never even played Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 is a massive disappointment for me. I'm a PC gamer, so I was always envious of those who got to play D1. When it was announced that D2 would be coming to PC, I was incredibly excited. Unfortunately the game didn't even remotely live up to my own hype.

The story is boring and takes only a few hours to complete. The loot stinks and the build potential is non-existent. As someone who quite enjoys games like Diablo, Path of Exile, etc..., this was probably the part that hurt the most. The end-game is a complete joke. Absolutely nothing in the game is challenging. And to top it all off, I'm expected to pay more money (for more mediocre content) on top of the $60 I initially spent which wasn't even close to being worth it to begin with to "complete" the game.

This game really left a sour taste in my mouth. Needless to say, they blew their shot with my friends and I. Destiny is as good as dead to us.

I get that, but it's still a different perspective than the GB staff. Most of them actually did play Destiny 1 and didn't like it, other than Brad who did enjoy it to some extent.

So, whereas you were coming in with no experience after having heard positive buzz from the people that enjoyed Destiny for 3 years, they were approaching a sequel to a game they didn't like with low expectations.

The most disappointed category is all about expectations, and playing and not liking Destiny 1 very much sets the bar pretty low to the point where it would be hard to be a disappointment for them.

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@emtee said:

I was absolutely shocked that it wasn't.

@waylo said:

Destiny 2 should be on this list.

Destiny 2 is only a disappointment to the people that like Destiny 1, and none of the staff liked Destiny 1. In fact, I believe Destiny 1 won most disappointing the year it came out. Since most disappointing is based on expectation, it would be weird for a sequel to a disappointing game to also win most disappointing.

Anyway, it seems like most people that didn't like the first actually did like Destiny 2 a lot more, including the staff. That's especially the case with them and many others that didn't stick with the first game for the long haul to see how much better it got over those 3 years (and how much Destiny 2 regressed in very meaningful ways over where Destiny 1 ended up).

Destiny 2 is certainly my most disappointing game followed closely by Mass Effect Andromeda. Considering Destiny and Mass Effect are two of my most played/favorite franchises of all time, getting 2 supremely disappointing sequels would have made 2017 a real bummer if not for the tons of other great games that came out this year.

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I'm enjoying this quite a bit, probably due to the fact that every second of my 40+ hours of playtime has been with a group of friends. Of course, I'm also someone that's played and really enjoyed 1000+ hours of Destiny, also almost entirely with friends.

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Edited By ll_Exile_ll

I quite enjoyed the first Garden Warfare, but it probably helped that I got it for free when EA randomly gave it away for 24 hours around the time of PSX.

Still, it was a fun game, if not a little easy. Never in my life have I had to put forth so little effort to achieve a global 4.0 KD in a competitive shooter. I never understood why the community for that game seemed so unskilled at the game. My only guess is that it must have been mostly kids 10 and under.

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@ripelivejam said:

@deathpooky: all I can really recall from it is Zachary Quinto being creepy and getting defeated by a punch at the end, and that they had a girl whose superpower was IMIng you with her mind. Eugh, none of it was good.

You are replying to a guy talking about the first season being pretty good, which I agree with, so I'm assuming you are talking about stuff from season 1.

Quinto's character was stabbed in the gut with a samurai sword at the end, and I have no idea who you are talking about when you mention a girl that "IM's" you.

@ll_exile_ll said:
@comradesolar said:

This game is indeed connected to the Heroes reboot show. Which has already been canceled!

It wasn't really cancelled. It was announced from the beginning as a 13 episode mini series. I'm sure there was a possibility of it continuing, but they always said 1 season was the plan when asked.

Then they were lying. They totally ended that thing on a fairly big cliffhanger with hopes of a season 2.

I wouldn't really call it a cliffhanger, more like a tease. The plot was completely wrapped up, and they had a brief tease for a potential next plot. I think it was more a situation of them leaving the door open for more, rather than the plan definitely being for it to continue.

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This game is indeed connected to the Heroes reboot show. Which has already been canceled!

It wasn't really cancelled. It was announced from the beginning as a 13 episode mini series. I'm sure there was a possibility of it continuing, but they always said 1 season was the plan when asked.