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@gtxforza: I was about to say, does this mean we might get PGR and Blur on back comp finally, but I still think music licencing would sink it.

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Love and Monsters 8/10

Its basically feels like a cousin to the Tremors movies, but actually manages to have more heart to it by the end. A lot of it is one guy on his own so theres not so much banter. I hope it becomes a feelgood cult classic, and doesnt spawn a bunch of lesser sequels.

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Struggling to name an arcade vertical shooter of the early 80s. It was pretty similar to Twin Bee. However the notable mechanic was that powerups would float behind the ship in a string of pearls style, which you could then activate individually. I think the first or second end level boss was a giant walrus behind a waterfall.

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Having a backlog is cheaper potentially. If you dont care about being in on the multiplayer or whatever of the hot new title, when something new comes out, it joins the queue, and you very quickly learn anything you buy will be a fraction of the price by the time you actually get round to playing it, so you stop buying things until you need them.

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#5  Edited By wobag

@gtxforza said:

Also, I thought there will be Blur 2 until it gets cancelled after Bizarre Creations being closed down by Activision.

The leaked videos of the early build of Blur 2 that came out after the studio closed might be the most frustrating thing Ive every seen, I loved Blur

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#6  Edited By wobag

I was under the impression the PGR rights went with Bizarre to Activision when the studio was sold to them.

I THINK it was activision that published the mobile PGR game, which sort of fits that then. AV definitely published the later Geomerty Wars games which was Bizarres IP so that fits. If AV does own the rights, the overlap with Forza isnt an issue,

Neither PGR3, 4 or Blur which was Bizarre's other driving game ever got back compat. I always assumed this was because of the soundtrack licencing, or maybe it was just that there wasnt anything in it for Activision to bother.

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#7  Edited By wobag

I have been using the site quite a bit this week to get a feel for it, and while I like the overall look and ethos there are a couple of things that are bugging me.

The Video / Watch List page isnt really what I expected. Its just a list of followed shows boxes, I think that could be surfaced on the Shows page. What Id really want a Watch List page to be is an expanded version of the Watch List from the front page (a filtered version of Videos - Latest), or maybe a carousel for each followed show

Also, while I appreciate the 'cover art' for each show, its weird to me that in the Watch List on the front page individual episodes appear with the title, and the artwork, while in other carousels (eg Latest) its back to a video thumbnail. Ultimately Id rather see a video thumbnail, it tells me more than just seeing the shows name in logo form, and the shows name again underneath in text form. The logos are good in their place, but I feel a thumbnail makes me curious to watch one video over another. Maybe that doesnt matter much in a sequential series like Mass Alex, but in Quicklooks, where each episode is its own thing, the look of the product sells the video to me.

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#8  Edited By wobag

Definitely add my voice to the desire for a watch later queue.

I count myself amongst a group of people who watch a fair bit of content, but quite delayed. The show function will be really good for that, but for things like QLs where Im not going to watch every one, the ones I do want to watch later will get pushed down the carousel pretty quickly, to the extent Ill probably forget which ones I was going to check out.

As such I find I manage/watch Quick Looks through Youtube specifically because I can do that, and have started a bookmark folder in my broswer for premium content, which is a hassle.

I would use it for random Play Dates, or similar premium content. To some extent that would be served by a 'do not want' button to skip episodes that dont appeal, (so the carousel is just of desired videos) but that might be a bit destructive to views as you could after the fact become interested in a game, and it wouldnt be showing in the carousel any more.

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#9  Edited By wobag


Immerse yourself in the post-apocalyptic universe, where there is no society, no law, no order. RAGE2 was the brainchild of two colossi of the gaming industry: recognized masters in the creation of open worlds Avalanche Studios and guru of shooters id Software. In the end, it turned out a delicious meat grinder, where you can go anywhere, shoot anything and blow whatever you want

erm... up. I assume.
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#10  Edited By wobag

Its a small issue, but when playing premium videos via chromecast (1st gen), if you click 'cast' while the video is playing, it casts correctly to the TV, but the video continues to play on the PC (windows 10, chrome), but due to the time taken to cast, now out of synch with the version on the tv.

Current work around is to remember to initiate the video by using cast rather than starting to cast a playing video.