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Average score of 92 user reviews

Serviceable, if still disappointingly unremarkable. 6

With the release of the Arrival, the long and enduring tale within Mass Effect 2 is now finally over. Naturally there exist plenty of threads lingering towards the upcoming Mass Effect 3, but that's a whole other chapter for this arc, for when the Reapers actually arrive (SPOILERS?!?).Unfortunately, Arrival, despite being labelled as the final DLC to bridge the gap between the two games (Lair of the Shadow Broker being the other) doesn't really push much of the impeding invasion plot forward, an...

9 out of 9 found this review helpful.


Day one DLC is virtually the norm of the gaming business these days, and Dragon Age 2 is such a game that has grabbed this common occurrence by the balls.Should you of pre-ordered the temporary Signature Edition, you're in luck to receive this charming chap for free. Anyone who missed that chance can still find him for for 7$, and for the most part, he's certainly a worthy admission. Sebastian Vael is a recruitable party member for Hawke, but only after around 10 hours worth of gamepla...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Isaac's not the only one who's had a lot of practise. 7

Awwww, you found me!Dead Space 2: Severed is a fitting name for the first single player DLC download for the smash hit, Dead Space 2, acting as only a small snippet of what fans have come to recognise with Dead Space. And when I say small, I mean it. (you know it's small when it's a small snippet.. snippets are already small enough as it is!) Severed is literally only about an hour long, and with a price tag of £5.49/7$, it's definitely not delivering within the value department.I am a man, not ...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

He has the voice, now he just needs the personality. 3

Dead Space 2 is broader, bolder and maybe even a little sexier (?!) at that, than its predecessor. It's now completely stripping most of its survival horror instincts for a much more action orientated experience and feel reminiscent as something resembling the Terminator 2 of a trilogy. And yes, there will definitely be a third Dead Space.  Trading off all the originals allure and mystery for incredibly large and loud set pieces was a great effort, though it still didn't quite match just how I f...

7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

I've covered FAN-TASTIC wars, you know. 0

It's almost too good to be true!Dead Rising 2 is now pretty much set up as trilogy. There is the beginning with Case Zero that introduced the man of the hour, Chuck Greene, aswell as his strong willed daughter who has the unfortunate burden of living her life with the need for the brain munchies only a missed syringe shot away. It introduced many a new features for the series and the staples from which the Dead Rising 2 saga would be known by. The custom built weapons, multiple save slots and......

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Alpha Protocol: The game I hate to hate. 0

Alpha Protocol makes me cry inside. To witness so much wasted potential for this to become one of the greatest games of 2010 and a great mark for other modern shooter RPGs to follow is truly one of this generation's most disheartening tragedies. What founded these tears, specifically, are thanks to how poorly it plays, the astonishingly sub-par graphics, clumsy animations, bugs, glitchs and just the overall coat of crap that reaches across to every corner.Alpha Protocol is an Action/RPG very aki...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

A great deal of content, but with only so much of it being fun. 0

Like the Legends and Killers before it, Liars and Cheats gives the multiplayer portion of Red Dead Redemption a huge breeze of raining additions. Unlike Legends and Killers before it, Liars and Cheats can at least be seen as DLC that could potentially be well worth the money. It'll give you new character skins from the main game, aswell as a new weapon, but that's only the beginning.  Quite an odd turnout for tonight's Poker match. There's new hideouts added to free roam, some of which pit y...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Players beware, you're in for a scare! 14

Much like the GTAIV expansions, Undead Nightmare conveys its own separate identity over the default RDR.While the heart of Undead Nightmare is very much centred towards zombies, the pack as a whole is like a blood coated love letter to all fans of the horror media with yes, zombies, but also bats, fog, mystical artifacts, apocalyptic horses and even unicorns... Hey there's bound to be someone who finds Unicorns just as terrifying, if not more, as a blood drenched banshee scurrying after you on a...

13 out of 13 found this review helpful.

A real treat for the fans. 3

Dead Rising 2 is almost as pure as a sequel could get. Very little does it stray from its original's design, both the lauded and hated aspects. For fans of the franchise Dead Rising 2 is a no-brainer purchase and one they'll surely get just as much enjoyment out of as they did from the original, if not more. For newcomers, or people who just weren't able to adjust to Dead Risings strict way to play, it's much more of a risk to take.Chuck Greene: Level 50 Duct Tape AdministerSo, Dead Rising 2 pla...

18 out of 19 found this review helpful.

As one story ends, another always begins. 1

Witch Hunt is the final finale of the seemingly never ending stream of Dragon Age: Origins Downloadable Content and is based around the premise to dust up a lot of the cobwebbed plot holes concerning Morrigan and just what her grand scheme of things is really about. And while it does, somewhat, deliver on this promise, the hour or so it takes to reach this conclusion is both boring, tedious and a highly iterative endeavour that has you go through the same environments facing the same enemies all...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

In short, it's arguably the best Mass Effect 2 DLC thus far. 6

Just like old times, eh Shepard?Oh Mass Effect 2...just when will you end?? As far as BioWare as concerned it's long after you've completed the main game. Downloadable content has been coming out for ME2 at a steady stream, starting off with a few small tid bits like new weapons and armour pieces, to then eventually bringing you new vehicles, party members and now... Liara Tsoni!Lair of The Shadow Broker will have seasoned Mass Effect players all cluttered with goosebumps while the newer Command...

9 out of 9 found this review helpful.

A marvellous value of content that also happens to be really fun! 4

Dead Rising 2 - Case Zero is a prototype of sorts. It labels itself as a demo, though it hardly matchs the criteria of what a demo gives you - least not in this current timeline of demo's. For starters you'll have to pay to play this demo, but not only are you getting more than your money's worth it's an excellent bonus to it all being of exceptionally high quality and riotously fun for a downloadable game.Note to zombies everywere: Never get in the way of any CAPCOM protagonist with a pickaxe.D...

14 out of 15 found this review helpful.

Deceitfully light with its content but memorable all the same. 0

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days, the sequel to the incredibly mixed reception of Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, carries forth the series now trademark gritty nature and incredibly mature themes and characters and ships them into Shanghai with a lot more of what you'd expect, and yet also a lot less.When peeping toms become violent.K&L 2 reunites players, unsurprisingly, with the criminal duo of Kane and Lynch, though with the focus now centred more toward Lynch rather than Kane unlike the original. Ly...

14 out of 14 found this review helpful.

The content is colourful but its asking price is a lil too steep 3

A blast from the the past!The first piece of paid DLC for the highly acclaimed Rockstar Epic, Red Dead Redemption, The Legends and Killers pack offers a few more bells and whistles to a gradually improving multiplayer component.The Legends and Killers pack gives players eight new character skins, all taken from the spiritual predecessor Red Dead Revolver including the likes of Red Harlow, Jack Swift and Mr Kelly. All characters are very well detailed and come complete with their own un...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A serviceable shooter that makes great use of its mature themes. 2

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men is a sloppy and unattractive looking third person shooter. An unattractive and sloppy TPS that fortunately manages to still deliver a well done story with a pair of exceedingly memorable title characters.  Kane and Lynch through and through is a third person shooter. It has a few twists added in such as squad mechanics but overall it plays like many TPS's we've all gone through many a time before hand. The shooting isn't the best you'll find, but it's manageable enough t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The latest piece of Dragon Age DLC is also the worst. 1

Even with the announcement of Dragon Age 2, the never ending bevy of downloadable content for the Origins of the franchise still keeps a rollin'.  This latest piece, Golems of Amgarrak, returns the player with their Warden character to aid the Dwarf Jerrik Dace into searching for his lost brother who disappeared on an expedition during the Blight. The story alludes to have alot of mystery about it, to just what did happen to the expedition but won't nearly meet most expectations after all the bu...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

The Ultimate Alliance: Torn Apart! 0

Note: Would post pictures with silly captions but it's being a a freakin' twat about it so can't =/  Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 is the sequel to the hit All-Platform (practically) Marvel Ultimate Alliance, which also was spawned from the X-men Legend games before on the Ps2. What they all have in common is allowing the player to create their own custom team of Superheroes to mash and blast their way through a number of environments from an isometric perspective. MUA2 doesn't really bring anythin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Terrible controls, bored voice actors and Ninjitsu Snakes OH MY! 3

Remakes seemed to be all the rage back in 2002-2005 what with a number of Final Fantasy remakes surfing throughout the rumor topics and of course the fantastic remake of the original Resident Evil. The success that came with the REmake also garnished another remake of an old ps1 classic. The original Metal Gear Solid released back in 1998.IMO and I'm sure alot of others too is that MGS was an incredibly revolutionary title that created a new standard for the story in games and how much effort sh...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Free DLC? Nice! A whole new menu of glitches? Not so much. 2

Free downloadable content is always a welcome addition, for the most part. Outlaws to the end is a fairly substantial package adding a whole new set of multiplayer options to help you rack up the experience points to those benevolent Legend ranks. It would be a perfect package, if not for the army of Trojans that sneak their way in aswell.Red Dead Redemption was full of quirky glitches and bugs already and made the multiplayer, at times, almost unplayable. Ever since this DLC release however, it...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

A truly saddening alternate look to the Dragon Age storyline. 2

 Depressing its story may be, but fun to play though isn't quite as assured.  Darkspawn Chronicles gives you the alternate history of just What If the main character didn't survive the joining. The bumbling, naive though good hearted Alistair is then shown to of taken the lead. You instead now take the role of a Hurlock Vanguard who is tasked with leading the invasion ofDenerim during the last few hours of the Dragon Age: Origins story.  It's an interesting concept, though one that's sadly squan...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

OK, now you're just spoiling us 3

Now at the third piece of DLC for the acclaimed RPG/FPS hybrid, Borderlands. The Secret Armory of General Knoxx gives the players a whole host of new quests, loot, vehicles, environments, enemies and so much more. All with a shockingly modest price-tag.DLC in general has had a very controversial run through the timeline of our advancements with games. Usually they're loathed for its blatant design of squeezing all the more cash out of the consumer, though sometimes there stands out the DLC that ...

12 out of 12 found this review helpful.

A fantastically intense thrill from beginning to end 3

Desperate Escape is the 3rd piece of DLC for the acclaimed 3rd person action/horror title, Resident Evil 5. Though its the 3rd thus far, it acts as the second half to the extra Jill Valentine centred story chapters. The first being Lost in Nightmares, released two weeks prior.  Lost In Nightmares gave a fresh take on Resident Evil 5's gameplay, with it reverting back to the classic design of Resident Evil with a slower pace-and ammo count-a gloomy mansion and a number of cranks to turn. Desperat...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Wow... what a MANSION!! 0

Lost In Nightmares is the second piece of DLC for the acclaimed action-horror title, Resident Evil 5. It adds around 40-60 minutes extra for the main story of Resident Evil 5 as well a few new additions to the Mercenaries minigame. While not an especially substantial piece of content, it more than delivers on the amount of quality people have come to expect when it comes to Resident Evil, and with such a highly modest price, it's made easy to stomach.Lost In Nightmares stars players as the origi...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

WARNING: Loss of own will to live possible 0

Demon's Souls is so openly split with its reception. Either people despise every single aspect about it, or love all of its innovations and throw- backs to the old school scale of difficulty.  Suffice to say, they;re both valid enough in that yes, the game is unforgivably difficult. But only within the context for this day and age of games. It's as tough as stale bread for sure, but it's far from cheap. If you die, it's more so down to your own impatience, or through a small slip up with how you...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

If it didn't die with one weren't aiming for the head 0

   The Zombie Island of Dr Ned gives you around 5-6 hours of more Borderlands, but only the lesser parts.       Dude, when did Zoey dye her hair?The new enviroment and laugh worthy characters and dialogue is what you should be expecting to have this stand out from the original Borderlands. Set after the original's story, the games own Narrator Marcus Kinkaid tells the story of the evil Dr Ned and how he is so not Dr Zed in disguise, in the essence of a bedtime story.  Right from the start you're...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Peace and Prosperity be damned! 0

  The motivation behind seasoned biker Johnny Klebitz's moral ridden stride through life.Johnny is the rough, tough and unhygienic Vice-President of The Lost Motorcyle Club.With their fearless, and probably fear inducing, leader incarcirated, Johnny took the position to lead the gang to reliable financing and in a life of harmony, sort of, with truces abound between other gangs with the only thing on their to-do list to simply enjoy living life as the rebels of society that they are.However Bil...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Brilliant GTA game, absolutely phenomenal DLC! 3

The Ballad of Gay Tony gives you the final ending to a long line of Liberty City stories. Starting with the tale of a cynical and fearlessly loyal immigrant who sadly was groomed through life experiences to become a cold blooded gun for hire, to then playing as a misguided member of a biker gang who was always for rebeling against what he thought was wrong and not afraid to cause some damage in the process. Niko and Johnny got nothing on what weapons Luis gets to pack TBoGT now places you in the...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

The Lost and Gay! Brought to you by Sprunk. 0

The Lost and Damned    Review score-4.5/5   Johnny after probably waking up on the wrong side of the wrong bed.Peace and Prosperity be damned!The motivation behind seasoned bike, Johnny Klebitz's moral ridden stride through life.Johnny is the rough, tough and unhygienic Vice-President of The Lost Motorcyle Club.With their fearless, and probably fear inducing, leader incarcirated. Johnny took the position to lead the gang to reliable financing and in a life of harmony, sort of, with truces abo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A game that everyone should fork out the 80 MSP for 0

A work of genius needn't be complicated and I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES!!!1  ((or easier typed as that equally cool and cheap zombie game)) is proof of that.   This ''cool zombie game'' caters to basically every type of gamer, its pure and straight to a gamers game.  What you see in the screenshots is literally what you get. Some person armed with an automatic whatever being surrounded by a seemingly never ending horde of ZOMBIES!!!1. As this person you are to simply survive racki...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Classic RE...but almost a little too classic. 0

Code Veronica X was one of best ps2 launch titles you could find. The very first game I played when I got my ps2 on that fateful Christmas day and to this very day is a fantastic survival horror game, that sadly lacks alot in the replay value aspect.Code Veronica is set only a few months after Raccoon Citys destruction, and anyone who can remember correctly from canon Leon S. Kennedy's scenario B ending from Resident Evil 2 (and Claire Redfield's epilogue from RE3) would of easily guessed it cen...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Still to this day, one of the best multiplayer games around. 0

Nintendo i beleive where probably what got the 'party' games involving the companys mascots popular.The original super smash brothers fro the N64 at least defined this trend with setting many different unrelated Nintendo characters all at each others throats and smashing each other high into the sky.Super smash brothers Melee improves on literally everything from the original and in turn has became an absolute classic that until Brawl was released, was one of the most played and definatly most a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

It's RE with dinosaurs, and without a lot of the fun. 0

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, ea...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Like repetition? Then you'll just love Crackdown... 1

 Crackdown is, for better or worse ((for worse...)), almost like an overpriced arcade game. It has basically no narrative and a shallow n simple premise but also has it self some, at best, moderatly addictive gameplay. Gameplay that will stay the same throughout the probable 15-20 hours you'd need to waste in completing this games objectives.  Crackdown puts you in the newly registered shoes of ''The Agent''. A nameless, voiceless and possibley even souless male protagonist. At the start you may...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Its classic design can't save its own overall mediocrity 0

The Club....really doesn't get any simpler than what you read and see on the back of the game case, a third person shooter which haves you easily taking down mass' upon mass' of dumb-founded AI nobodies with guns that sound like they shoot popcorn instead of bullets.The real reason why I purchased such an un-appealing game was because, mainly, it was the best I could find at the price range I had carrying around at the time. Though for £18 I think it did live up to its value, though just, any pe...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Brutal, gorey and atmospheric yet still not all that scary. 0

Silent Hill Homecoming...Alot has to be said about just how different it is when compared to its predecessors.No surprise when considering the major alteration of developer, fortunatly the changes that consist stray much more towards an improvement rather than a step or two down...the majority of them at least.Silent Hill Homecoming or Silent Hill 5 as originally known (though in fact is the 6th in the series chronologically) was released for most of the world all the way back in October 2008, s...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

An OK attempt at bringing Blockbuster action to our fingertips 0

Games and movies in general seem to be getting closer and closer every year with intially starting at distant cousins to sex-crazy lovers.Games being made too movies movies being made too games, it never really works as far as today with the James Bond Series of gaames the only real worth-while movie2game purchases but even they have been slipping a little.The story and atmospheres in games has also been reaching the hollywood standards recently with the Metal Gear Solid series as a prime exampl...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

What levels it succeeds on can't match up to its faults 0

The Force unleashed should have been one of the greatest games of 2008; it should have perched itself as a nominee for GOTY; it should have given Star Wars geeks all that more canon story to add to their catalogue. TFU was meant to do a lot of things, but sadly only managed to live up to a few.As a story it does at least give some more insight into the destruction of the Jedi , the birth of the Rebel Alliance and even more character development for everybody's favourite robotic asmastic. There i...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Never has so much potential been squandered 1

Mercenaries 2.....I don't even know where to start.It definatly looks like it had the potential to be a fantastic and fun experience, but is held back by some annoying gameplay glitchs and cheap tactics involved in the firefights.Mercs 2 is not exactly your average sandbox game in the sense that everyone whos head of the mercs game will agree that it focus' on pure destruction of whatever gets in your way. A rather weird clash is how hurting civilians will cause you a penalty of currency, so whi...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Oddly one of the best batman games to date. 0

The lego games combined with a popular theme do manage to sum up some imature, harmless and rather silly entertainment. Lego star wars achieved what it planned to do with garnering many different types of gamers to enjoy its adorable atmosphere and some lighthearted gameplay mixed with a slight parody of its overall story.Then came the Indiana Jones game, which I myself haven't even had the disc in my i can't judge all that well wether it managed to continue on travellers tales strong tr...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

In space nobody can hear you scream, in Dead Space however... 2

Dead Space, one of the most surprisingly succesful games of 2008. Virtually no hype was centered around Isaac Clarke's perils among the Ishimura and when it finally came to be, it blew the critics and survival horror fanatics away in a giant stream of blood n dismembered limps.Dead Space is far from revolutionary and in fact isn't all that unique either, but it still manages to give players an incredibly horrorific journey with its gameplay managing to hit perfection with how its all executed.It...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.