How much GB content do you actually consume?

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Poll How much GB content do you actually consume? (474 votes)

25% 49%
50% 25%
75% 15%
<90% 12%

Just curious about what peoples watching habits are compared to mine. I had a hard enough time keeping up pre-covid, but now I feel like it's way harder since the crew essentially streams all day. I ain't complaining though, I've just been way more "choosey" with what I watch nowadays.

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#1 FinalDasa  Moderator

Well, some of it I consume just out of being in the chat quite often.

Overall it depends on what shows are happening and what games they're playing. Sometimes the slate of games coming out all tickle my fancy and I get around to watching every Quick Look. Some months nothing is feathering my ribs so I'll sorta check out and keep up with the episodic content.

I have certainly watched around 90% of the content produced by the site.

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@finaldasa: ~90% That's quite the feat. I pretty much consume all the audio content since I can do that while commuting and (most of the time) listen while I work.

Video content is where I get a bit choosey. I mainly watch in the evening after dinner, and since I subscribe, I really prioritize the premium content.

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Podcasts and the occasional video, though rarely live since I moved overseas, as the timing just doesn't match. I'd like to watch more but I've never been a good multitask gamer, even if I'm doing boring, grindy stuff in games I prefer to listen to the games music and atmosphere, so watching something while playing is near impossible. Time has also gotten a lot more limited as the kids get older so I can't really just leave stuff running as much as I could in the past.

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I used to be 90% or so. With the Lockdown, I probably catch less than half of it and that's with it playing on the side during work.

If I was still in the office I'd be at like 10% of everything.

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Used to be everything, but as the years go on probably less and less. Bombcast used to be a near religious thing that I would consume the second it became available. These days it’s not as urgent and sometimes I’m even ok with not finishing episodes. Giant Bomb came around at a perfect time for me around 10 years ago and helped pull me out of a depressing spot in my life. So while I really do owe them a lot, it HAS been 10 years and it is hard to stay 100% invested in something for that long. For instance these On the Spot episodes are great but I realize I’ve heard nearly all their old times anecdotes already through various podcasts and shows over the years.

I would be curious to see a graph representing the relationship between how long someone has been following GB and how much content they continue to watch. I would say it’s about 40% for me a decade in.

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#6  Edited By confusedowl

Not nearly as much as I used to but still a decent amount. Back when I started watching in 2011 I watched GB more than I actually played video games but I feel like my habits have shifted to be the opposite over the last few years or so. I also haven't dipped into the back catalog pre-2011 so I'm missing a lot of content there as well.

Right now with the daily streams it's probably under 25%. When they were in the office it was closer to 40-50%.

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#7  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud

I usually would get through a good 75%+ or so (at least starting the video and getting a decent ammount in) but right now I skip almost all the solo streams, not something that almost any one here can nail right and its just not what I come to GB for anyways at all, and why I hardly go to Twitch. Sometimes I'm throwing stuff on and listening more than watching as I do some stuff around the house.

I did go from Bombcast as soon as it was released listen for years until the last year basically to hardly listening to the Bombcast though. Its become a pretty boring affair a lot of times which is sad to say. But Beastcast I'm still enjoying (miss Dan though) and I have enough other podcasts to fill that old void.

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Maybe 5% on the high end; I've mostly lost my love for how they choose to produce most of their content at this point. I don't have any problems with any of the staff; my tastes just don't really align with 'point a webcam at the set and press 'go live'' anymore.

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Sadly about none, I’ve fallen off the video content and both podcasts at this point. I check in with the site about every week to see if there’s anything I’m interested in but lately there isn’t.

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More, if I'm honest. The lockdown has helped and now working from home means I've got a couple of extra hours to sit and watch or listen. This is my first year of premium as well which has led me to catch up with some of the older series.

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Almost nothing outside of the two podcasts which I still listen to. I used to be premium and watch UPF and quick looks for most games but at this point I know what I like and have lost interest in the majority of games so I only really watch a quick look if I already have some interest which is very rare. I think the last full video I watched was the Ori quick look.

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Hotspot, and that's it. Most content features one or more people I have zero interest in watching, so I miss a lot.

Lockdown stuff has been real hit or miss

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I do not have time to see everything. COVID-19 or not, I'm working, just now from home. In general, I'll watch the 'play through' content, not just the general streams.

Some 'streamers' I just can't watch, I like them as people, not as talking heads...

Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, P. A.?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
Somebody see you up there

I got some groceries, some peanut butter,
To last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones,
Ain't got no records to play

Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send no postcard,
I ain't got time for that now

Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock,
We blended in with the crowd
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines,
I know that that ain't allowed

This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now

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Probably <25%. I'll watch a good amount of the group content and skip most of the solo / 2 person stuff. I used to work my way through most of the content but I tend to tune out pretty early now if the game doesn't interest me or the show doesn't have a fun hook.

I like it best when a bunch of the guys get together and actually have fun. When it feels obligatory, forced or they wanna shit on a "bad game" I check out. The HotSpot revival is the first thing I've looked forward to since the Hitsmas / 13 Deadly Sims if I'm honest.

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I watch mostly live. It's fun to follow along with the live chat.

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I have certainly watched around 90% of the content produced by the site.

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Given how dead these forums usually are now pretty amazing so many people come to post in them and don't actually watch GB content apparently.

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Right now with the nonstop livestreams, I just leave the stream on all day so I'm watching most of what is put out. During normal times, it's probably between a quarter and a half of the content. I watch all the premium stuff and certain quick looks if it's a game I want to see. I don't watch everything anymore though. I don't have enough time to do that. Right now the only thing I'm behind on is Mass Alex, which I'll catch up on soon.

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#19 FinalDasa  Moderator
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#20  Edited By shiftygism

I listen to the three main podcasts while playing games that aren't story driven, and occasionally watch a video if it pops up in my Roku's YouTube reccomendations which has such a perfect setup right now I don't want to login and screw it up. Best of GB, and Mailbags (when they were doing them) are must watchs. Ben's Lens...when its not about 90's properties, I'm down. Also the occasional Jeff stream playing old games. The best video content during Lockdown though has been the Bloodborne Identity. Keep that going, Jan!

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probably less than 25%- but not for lack of quality (FWIW i think they're doing really well given the circumstances).

mostly i'm having trouble keeping track of when things air- the 'upcoming' module is pretty inconsistent so i end up missing most of what i would tune in for. if i'm just looking to throw something on gb infinite is what i tend reach for- the live conventional playthroughs aren't really conducive to throwing on in the background as i'm WFH during regular business hours.

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Mainly just the audio stuff. I'll watch quicklooks for games I'm interested in, and sometimes a little UPF, but I don't know how anyone can seriously watch all of the content they put out.

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Honestly, not a ton, especially lately. But the content I do consume scratches an itch I don't have scratched by any other journalism resource. And certainly not from any broadcasters on Twitch.

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I used to be like 25% before lockdown. During lockdown it’s been 75% or more. GB is perfect for a second screen when playing 4X games.

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#25  Edited By frytup

I catch bits and pieces of most things, but there's not nearly enough time in the day to watch all the way through the majority of the Coronacontent. The only things I'm guaranteed to finish are the podcasts and Mass Alex.

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Not that much. I'll watch a few videos per week, but I don't think I've ever watched as little of what they put out as I've been doing recently. I've been around since 2008 and the site has obviously had a ton of changes over the years, both positive and negative, but for me this feels like the lowest point since the post-Ryan pre-Austin period in terms of the team itself, and the change in focus to solo streams etc. that's happened right now doesn't help although I'm sure they're doing their best given the circumstances. I do like Abby, Jan etc. (although many of the "newer" people, if you can call them that after years of employment, seem to have relatively narrow perspectives on games, which I guess maybe isn't that strange when you consider that most of them were hired as video producers and not necessarily for their gaming expertise) but some of the previous staff members (specifically Ryan, Austin and now Dan) have definitely left holes that are hard to fill, and then you also have things like the split into Giant Bomb East and West which meant the loss of a lot of great interactions.

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@icemael said:

the split into Giant Bomb East and West which meant the loss of a lot of great interactions.

This is actually one of the good things that's come out of the whole lockdown for me. We didn't get that many cross coast content pre-covid, but now some of my favorite stuff recently has been watching Brad and Vinny play Astroneer!

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Almost everything, I just always have it on in the background while doing something else.

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There was a time when my consumption of GB content was in the ~90% range, but that was a long time ago - or maybe it just feels like a long time ago. Now, we're probably talking ~10%.

I haven't been a regular listener of the Bombcast in several years, and I never really got into the Beastcast even though I consume more East content than West. I haven't regularly watched QLs since around the time I dropped out of the Bombcast. Basically, 2013-14 was the death of my GB fanaticism; I chose that word deliberately because it wasn't the end of my fandom, just my die-hard fandom that saw me consume most of the site's content. I made an account on the site on day one, was premium on day one, got the Whisky Media shirt, etc. Ryan's death was such a huge blow, the splitting the coasts was jarring, and I just wasn't interested in the games being played and the prominent site content being Metal Gear Scanlon or so much Soulsborne content that I just couldn't stand. I loved Mario Party Party in theory, but in practice? The joke wore thin, and I checked out around MP3.

But the autographed Bombcast 2011 (?) poster never left my wall. Was off the site pretty much full-time for a year or two, which is sad because I missed Austin Walker's entire time on the site and that dude is rad. Jumped back into premium in 2017, and ever since my consumption has been in the 10-20% range. I've only been watching the lockdown content that has interested me - my highlights have been Clue Crew, Abby's Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge, Vinny's FMV stream, some of Alex's truck streams although I've fallen off watching those as well, any time I've actually been online when Jeff was playing old games or the archive worked, and a couple of the charity streams were really fun (just not Monopoly - boy was that a disaster).

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@icemael said:

I do like Abby, Jan etc. (although many of the "newer" people, if you can call them that after years of employment, seem to have relatively narrow perspectives on games,

Seriously? Abby has brought lots new to the site. No one was playing the Sims or Nancy Drew stuff before certainly. Ben is willing to play basically any genre, and now has been doing cRPG playthrough on here which no one will ever do. Jan probably has some overlap with say Jason in anime type games but he also plays stuff like Kingdom Hearts no one on here does.

They don't have a more narrow view on games than Jeff man lol. Cmon. The increased breadth of games the new guys are interested in is the only reason it isn't extremely stale on here with game choices. The old GB guard do not really branch out ever, besides Alex and Vinny some. The "new" people deserve credit for that.

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Every Giantbombcast and Beastcast

Bits and pieces of videos here and there - I don't really have time for much video stuff, so podcasts do me on the commute.

I really tried with the Aftermath but yeah, I can't really gel with that.

I try to avoid criticism - I've been on the site since the beginning and have been there for it all - but I may give up on listening to the West Coast Bombcast. There's only so much fighting game and wrestling talk I can listen to.

Beastcast is still killing it. Dan leaving was a huge blow for me but they are still making great content.

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@humanity: I've got similar feelings. For the first five years or so I honestly watched or at least skipped through absolutely everything that Giant Bomb produced. After the split into two offices, some staff shuffle, more content being produced and so on I felt less and less like I had to go through everything.

Now I still listen to the Bombcast and Beastcast every week, but with regards to video I pick and choose a few shows to follow and peek into other stuff every now and then. I'm actually very grateful for the Best Of videos @turboman is producing, because with them I don't feel like I'm missing gems hidden in all those multi-hour videos I never get a chance to watch.

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#34  Edited By bybeach

More than 50% since the lockdown. The staff live streaming and such, the video portion of the Beastcast (unless they have been doing that and I did not know), The Bombcast and The Hot Spot all have my interest. I've even posted a couple of times in the Forum. I inevitably come to this site to escape the news and world I have increasingly viewed as becoming more batshit. And that well before GB or early Gamespot.

When the whole Covid stay at home bit is over, I will cut back, to around 50%, for just the shows and quick looks that interested me before.

I also want to say I appreciate how this Site Got up and Danced when this whole thing started. I have seen that tendency before, like when the Amazon servers went out, and GB at the time figured out a work around.

Good for you, Giant Bomb!

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Very busy at the moment, since I still have to commute to work which has a reduced workforce along with massively increased demand... so it's even been a while since I switched on my main PC.

I listen to podcasts a few times a week - I'm not listening as often as usual as I've still got a few weeks worth to catch up with. I'm not really checking out any of the video content and my schedule is a bit too hectic for me to catch anything live right now.

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Right now, almost none. My favorite content on the site was always the wackier more highly produced stuff that especially GB East has done over the years;"steal my sunshine" , "burgle my bananas", Ben and Jan cooking on UPF, ect, ect. The lack of that specific content combined with my busy IRL life atm has lead to me not engaging with most of the content rn. I'm sure that will change in the next couple of months though.

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I'm always listening to the new episodes of the beast/bombcast. Video wise tho, I check in on the site every now and then.

I'm taking in a lot less content than I used to, not because the quality of production is any less, if anything it has gotten a lot better. It may have something to do with a particular staff member that has a knack for annoying me...

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You know, I actually calculated this a few months back when determining whether to keep Premium or not. The number ended up at somewhere around 30%, but there was a stark difference between the coasts. I figured I was consuming almost 80% of what East was putting out while watching less than 10% of what West was doing (and that was almost exclusively the Bombcast). If you looked at the numbers, you would have thought they were different websites.

I'm actually watching quite a bit more during the lockdown, which maybe isn't surprising seeing as how everyone has more time on their hands. But a big part of it for me is that it has made West kind of branch out a bit more. Pre-lockdown I kind of felt like it was almost exclusively talk about COD, DOTA, Pokemon, or Wrestling, none of which particularly interest me. Now we're getting things like Jan's Bloodborne playthrough, Ben on Fallout 2, Jeff doing weird Mario stuff, etc. A lot more variety going on.

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I've watched a good amount of the lockdown stuff, but definitely not all of it, like Alex's over three hour solo streams (though I just might put those to play in the background eventually). I'm still working just like before, so I haven't suddenly been given lots of extra free time.

If I would be sitting in quarantine and wouldn't be working even remotely, then I'd probably watch everything, just to pass the time.

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#41  Edited By Bonbonetti

25-30%. So it's not hard for me to keep up with the content I want to see or hear. My favourites right now are Alex' Trucking sessions and his Civ playthrough, and Abby's Nancy Drew series. For me, it's mainly about the games (+ personality of-course). I also like their "specialized" shows and podcasts, for example their coverage of older games.

Most of the games GB chooses to cover, I have zero interest in playing (or seeing). Their taste in games, and ideas of what constitutes a good or fun game, are very different from own today. When I first started following GB I was a regular mainstream gamer, there was no significant Indie scene around at that time. Times have changed since then, and I myself have changed. Today I'm a niche-gamer, I rarely play mainstream games, so most of GB's coverage doesn't appeal to me.

That said, I certainly don't mind having any GB show running while I play my strategy games and sim games.

As a side-note, ever since Drew left, I feel their content have become very much predictable. You already know the kind of games they will choose to cover, unavoidable perhaps. They tend to pick games that are "safe", rather than games that are trying something different. The times they try something novel, it typically clashes against their conservative views, as something "weird" or "odd"... but that's a different topic.

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Generally, I just get the Bombcast and Beastcast (though I'm really behind), Mass Alex, Nancy Drew Clue Crew, and the occasional Quick Look. Being home full time, I've tended to watch more streams here and elsewhere instead of the pure audio of the podcasts that I would do when I went into the office. Every now and then, I'll stick with a GB stream for 20-30 min, but no way I could keep up with everything they do (which is amazing, BTW and I'm thankful for it!), so I went with 25%.

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I'm extremely odd, and will admit it, but I watch and listen to damn near every single thing GB puts out. I don't watch TV and rarely catch up on movies so this is pretty much the only passive media I consume. Almost none of it live either.

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#44  Edited By benjo_t

I watch, and have watched over the years, a lot of Giant Bomb's content. There's the stuff I watch actively, the stuff I watch in the background, and the stuff I put on to fall asleep to. I appreciate it all for different reasons. Not to mention the archive, which I go back to time and time again.

With that said, I'm watching less over the current months, because I have so many issues with the video player just refusing to play videos. The other day, logins went down, so that stopped me from watching as well.

Right now, I'm trying to watch Mass Alex 3 Part 09, and I can't on the most recent version of Firefox, with all the usual steps of disabling addons, whitelisting domains, etc. I check that bug forum thread so often, and unfortunately little progress seems to be made.

I'll continue to renew my subscription because I love the content and I think the team are good people, from those on camera to those building and maintaining the site. But yeah, not being able to access the content has been an increasingly frustrating experience lately.

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I'd say we're at about 75% right now. I skip the stuff that seems like personal interest stuff for the most part (Jan doing LEGOs, Jason emptying a box) and I skip some series for no other reason really than I decided to skip them. I'm still in work and work weird hours (Noon to 8PM, often not getting home until about 10PM) so I find it harder to watch GB during the week than I used to. I essentially make Sunday Giant Bomb day, Monday podcast day and Tuesday TV / GB / podcast day depending on where the backlog is thickest and I'm still a week if not two behind on GB stuff I want to watch at this point.

If I still had a normal 4PM to 11PM sort of schedule and I could spend 9AM-1PM most days catching up on pods and GB I might've watched most of their stuff from quarantine honestly, but since I basically wake up, go to work, come home and go to sleep these days I'm just so behind almost as much out of lack of time as lack of interest.

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I watch literally everything; GB has replaced television for me.

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Enough to re-up for a yearly membership, but not enough to take full advantage of it.

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From 2008-2014, definitely 75%. In the past few years, probably 5-10%, mostly just the podcasts. The decline is mostly due to getting older and having less time, and my favourite members of the cast are no longer there (Ryan, Drew, Dave).