What was the most disappointing game of the last generation?

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Pretty much what it says.

For me, it was Spelunky 2. Spelunky HD is arguably one of the best games of its generation, and 2 was hyped up beyond belief for what felt like half a decade. Then it came out and it was just crap. Spelunky was hard, but felt fair. 2 was just rubbish. It felt like you were just being killed with no rhyme or reason.

I actually think Spelunky 2 is the most disappointing sequel of all time

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This might be a bit too easy, but for me it was Mass Effect: Andromeda. I was really into the first couple of hours of the game, but it proved to be paper-thin beyond that point. First, it was a boring Map Game in actual execution, where I explored punctuation marks and got very little value from the vast majority of it. Second, the setting not only failed to live up to its potential, it fell well short of it. The depth of the ME universe is what made people such fans of the original trilogy, and paring it down to the Council races plus a couple friends severely limited what they could do. Third, the writing fell far short of the first three games, and I was not particularly invested in any of the "big choices" they presented. And lastly, it had a very offputting visual style, particularly in how faces moved.

I was tempted to write Fallout 4 but I would much, much rather play that than ME:A again.

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#3  Edited By liquiddragon

Couple candidates for me

#1 and probably the winner is FF15. I enjoyed my time with it but at the end of day, it’s a project that clearly went extremely side ways and they polished up an unfinished game that would’ve been way too costly to finish. The story and characters are super thin, the open world felt really restrictive, and the combat was shallow. Again, totally had a good time w it but I can’t say it wasn’t very disappointing especially in hindsight.

#2 and a very strong one at that is DMC5. They didn’t address the issue w DMC4. Instead of backtracking the back half, they just made the back half completely devoid of levels. You end up in an ugly brown tunnel pretty much the entirety of the back half, you can’t tell up from down, it’s completely hideous and completely insulting, especially cuz the first half is exactly what I wanted yet they repeated the exact fucking bullshit they pulled in DMC4

#3, FF Type-0. It finally came to the States and turns out, not so great. Up-rezed PSP game was kinda hideous, the story is incomprehensible and they had the balls to lock the true ending to a second playthrough. That’s crazy in a 50+ hour game.

#4, Bound. Great soundtrack aside, this felt like a tech demo or a build concept. The platforming is literally the worst I’ve every experienced and the blinking camera cuts are bizarre. It seems like something that has great potential but they just throw it out into the world way too prematurely.

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#4  Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

My gut instinct is to say Final Fantasy XV but it's kind of hard to have great expectations for that series anymore. For me personally, I'm going to say Civ VI. It's not a bad game, but it loses the spark of IV and V in a way that's really disappointing and it turned workers into unnecessary busywork in the process.

EDIT: I wrote this and immediately thought of Boderlands 3, and yup, that's the answer.


ME: Andromeda
Infamous Second Sun
Gran Turismo Sport
No Man's Sky (at launch)
Street Fighter V

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Personally, Persona 5. It's far from a bad game, it's stylish, good music, probably the best dungeon design of the series. But I do hold the writing up to a higher standard. A lot of the themes of the past games were about self-acceptance, working problems out, talking them out, and getting better. Every single problem in Persona 5 was "An evil adult who is nebulously evil for the sake of being evil is ruining my life. Go use your magic powers and brainwash the evil out of them". While that is an enjoyable power fantasy, especially now in 2021, it's not really what I'm looking for from that series. That and they just seem to recycle a lot of character tropes from the past game. Or just entire character arcs. Haru's story and social link, for example, are almost identical to Mitsuru's from 3.

That said, spending $60 to play Fallout 4 on a launch Xbox One was by far the worst experience I had playing any game last gen. And I played Afro Samurai 2! A game so bad it had to be pulled off PSN, with Sony having to figure out how to refund everyone who bought it! Before Cyperpunk! Afro Samurai 2 was a more functional experience than Fallout 4. Yes, I realize that's not a fair comparison. Still, I finished Afro Samurai 2. Fallout 4 would not let me finish Fallout 4.

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#6  Edited By Battlecow2

For me Destiny and Destiny 2 were big disappointments not only as a next-gen experiences.

It was never advertised as such but I was hoping for some kind of WOW type of large-scale environments to explore with friends and have these amazing adventures that replicated people's experiences with other MMOs but we got instead was a multiplayer focused story mode with repeatable activities. I know it was my fault for expecting anything different especially since it was pretty clear looking back that wasn't what they making.

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#7  Edited By TheRealTurk

I'm probably going to come in hot with some of my picks:

1. DOOM: Eternal - Resource scarcity. Why? Mindless platforming sections. Why? A story that makes no sense. Why? Horrid, garish menu designs and microscopic UI. Why? Why, why, why, why, WHY?

2. Sekiro - Easily in my Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Ever much less "last gen." I have contended repeatedly on these forums that Sekiro is a conflicted, bloated, badly designed mess of a game and I will die on that hill.

3. Persona 5 - The disappointment here is not that this is a bad game - it's actually a very good game in many respects. The disappointment is that I really wanted to like it, but was never able to quite click with it at all. I loved the parts of the game where you were just hanging out doing student things, but equally disliked the combat and dungeons. That probably would have been fine if the structure of the game allowed you to flip back and forth between those two parts in smaller chunks. But the structure of the game always meant that in order to have time to do any of the slice-of-life stuff, you were basically forced to slog through the dungeons in as few days a possible, which meant putting in a lot of consecutive hours into systems I just didn't enjoy.

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@allthedinos said:

I was tempted to write Fallout 4 but I would much, much rather play that than ME:A again.

I'll write it for you. Fallout 4 bolted on a bunch of dull, repetitive crafting busywork to a game where the strong point has always been the weird, kooky setting.

And then they made the setting dull and repetitive too.

Who cares about incrementally upgrading your equipment all the time? By the middle of the game you're so ludicrously overpowered anyway you can vaporize enemies just by looking at them funny. Oh, and there's never anything to do but fight swarms of ghouls. Everywhere. Yuck.

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@therealturk: Ow. This hurts to read haha. Doom Eternal and Sekiro are two of my favorite games from the last generation. I prefer Doom Eternal to 2016 and Sekiro is my second favorite soulborniro. It's pretty crazy how divisive Doom Eternal, and to a lesser extent, Sekiro are. The one thing they have in common is that they demand a very deliberate style of play, and I can understand why that puts people off. Sekiro in particular, coming from other souls games, doesn't allow for much build or play diversity, unless you really dig deep into it.

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MGS5. I wanted to love it so much, but the state of the story and structure just completely ruined it for me. If they'd put that open world and gameplay into a new IP where the story being secondary wouldn't have mattered, it would've been fantastic.

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The Last of Us Part 2 has lived rent free in the back of my mind since I finished it last year with just how awful I found the pacing and most of the relationships to be. I know alot of people still loved that game, outside of its combat, graphics and level design, I can't see anything particularly good in it.

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From the celebrated creators of The Witcher III, comes a blockbuster RPG that you cant even buy anymore after a week or so because it sucks so badly.

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Mass Effect Andromeda, without question. Mass Effect is a top 5 all time series for me, so the fact that Andromeda was not very good was a major letdown.

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Outer Wilds for me.

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SG/ZH: School Girl Zombie Hunter, because the mouse and keyboard controls feel off.

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ME: Andromeda for sure

Fallout 4’s up there


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Outer Wilds for me.

Wilds or Worlds? I can see Outer Worlds being a disappointment, but Outer Wilds is probably a top 10 game of the generation for me.

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Andromeda's a contender, luckily 3 was dull enough as is all I was really expecting was fun gameplay and a meandering story. I got that, I feel.

DOOM Eternal is a great contender, but DOOM 2016 can also be looked at as lightning in a bottle, and I'll bet if I were a PC player I'd have had a much better time with Eternal as well.

Sekiro is what first comes to mind because I loved the Lady Butterfly fight, and I loved the interim gameplay between bosses and just exploring that world...but I never beat Butterfly after over 50 attempts, and I couldn't beat any of the other bosses in that section of the game, either. I found the difference between needing to jump or parry needlessly difficult to parse, and I could never tell if the issue was latency or me. Literally all this gameneededwas a way to upgrade strength and/or health over time and it very likely would've been one of my favorite games of all time. Instead, it was kind of a waste of money.

But the answer I feel like I have to give is Cyberpunk 2077, as it was the only game I got a refund for this entire generation and I still can't even give it a second chance due to it still being barred from the PS Store. That's pretty fucking disappointing considering their previous game gave me nearly two years of entertainment that I didn't regret a single minute with. All Cyberpunk gave me is some regrettably hilarious glitch clips and the weirdest experience of an expressionist's idea of a video game I'll probably ever experience.

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@nodima said:

Sekiro is what first comes to mind because I loved the Lady Butterfly fight, and I loved the interim gameplay between bosses and just exploring that world...but I never beat Butterfly after over 50 attempts, and I couldn't beat any of the other bosses in that section of the game, either. I found the difference between needing to jump or parry needlessly difficult to parse, and I could never tell if the issue was latency or me. Literally all this gameneededwas a way to upgrade strength and/or health over time and it very likely would've been one of my favorite games of all time. Instead, it was kind of a waste of money.

100% agree on the ability to parse attacks. Didn't help that the framerate on the PS4 was . . . not great in spots. And technically, the game did let you upgrade attack power, but like most things, it was needlessly buried. You had to collect 3 mask fragments, and then you could exchange 5 skill points for 1 attack. Of course, by the time you realized you could do this/advanced far enough to collect all three pieces, skill points were probably pretty grindy to come by.

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@ajamafalous said:

Outer Wilds for me.

Wilds or Worlds? I can see Outer Worlds being a disappointment, but Outer Wilds is probably a top 10 game of the generation for me.

The one that was ostensibly a puzzle game, but every 'puzzle' (to use the term lightly) solution was obvious within the first 15 seconds of thinking about it but the game was so bad at telling you whether your initial solution was incorrect because you had the wrong answer or whether you just mechanically controlled your character/ship wrong, and where the punishment for controlling your character wrong was often losing 5-15 minutes of your time to restart the entire loop again.

In many individual 'puzzle' solutions and in the narrative as a whole, the game tries to lead the player to believe there's some grand reveal that will make the player recontextualize the puzzle/narrative at the end of the breadcrumb trail they've laid out. For me, every 'grand reveal' just ended up being the initial solution I thought of but took failure to mean 'come back because you'll figure something else out about this later,' not 'you just weren't 'entering the solution' correctly in the way that the game wanted you to.' It was one of the most frustrating games I've ever played, yet I was never once stumped by a puzzle or its solution. To me, that is a grand failure of puzzle design.

Puzzle games (Myst, The Witness, Obduction, Quern, Talos Principle, Fez, Antichamber, Supraland, etc.) are my favorite genre of game, so by comparison Outer Wilds did not live up to my expectations at all.

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This isn't to say you're wrong because of course it's all opinion, but I couldn't possibly disagree more with the OP personally. Spelunky HD was a game I considered to be basically perfect but only finished a couple of times and never managed to complete the secret run of. Spelunky 2 is a game I've completed a whole bunch because it's mechanically tighter and, while the enemies can definitely be scarier at first, offers you many more ways to salvage a run than the first game did (where I would generally find myself getting slowly chipped to death). Throw in the co-op and I found myself able to experiment and learn even more than I ever felt comfortable doing in the first game. I was even able to get some friends into it by showing them the ropes in co-op. They managed to take a game I considered close to perfect and make it even better, and more approachable.

To actually answer the question for myself, it's Anthem. I played that beta and I could see a game that took the fundamental combat systems and explosive ability combos of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, strapped an incredible-feeling flight system to it, and put it in a vast open world full of things to do. And then..... there just wasn't enough. The writing was off, the actual variety of skills and weapons were lacking, and the world, while stunning, was a bit too one-note. It hurt because I could see the shell of a game I really wanted in there but then the actual game never happened.

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Objectively, it has got to be Cyberpunk 2077. The hype around the game was ridiculous to the point where CDPR was already making profit from preorders of the game. And we all know what happened when the game released. I can't remember the last time a major console maker removed a game from their storefront because of the negative backlash. I'm sure the game is in a better state now, but the buggy initial release including all the delays and stories about crunch makes it the most disappointing game of the generation.

Personally, it would have to be Persona 5. I think I lost count how many times I watched the trailers and people analyzing said trailers. Persona 5 is not a bad game, but the story is padded and uninspired. There is no clear objective like "finding the murderer" in P4. There is little character development because the focus is on the villains. And the fan service in the game is a bit much (ie: the protag can get massages at home from his teacher who dresses in a maid outfit).

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#23  Edited By AV_Gamer

I'm on the Doom Eternal train. After the buttery smooth Doom 2016, the developers had to go and make the next game needlessly technical in terms of how to deal with enemies. For me, this turned many battles that should have been fun, into stressed filled, frustrating sessions. The game overall is still decent, but when I finished it, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders when I uninstalled it. And finding out the DLC expansion is even more of that? No thanks.

I guess Cyberpunk 2077, mainly because of the horrible state CDPR released the game in, and them having an almost spotless reputation for quality before hand. The game itself wasn't bad from the small amount of time I played it, which was a little past the prologue mission, before the bugs became too much for me to handle and I gave up on it.

Marvel's Avenges. It's a shame that a game with a pretty fun brawler system is surrounded by a horrible live service. If not for the decent campaign, the game would've been completely bad IMO.

Edit: As far as Persona 5? Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I simply don't have the energy to debate how wrong that opinion is. I'm someone who loved Persona 4. P5 is better than P4...

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#24  Edited By Kunakai

Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.

The games weren't really enhanced all that much in ways I'd hoped them to be. There is new content but in so far as the early game goes the improvements were few and far between. A shame considering the UI hasn't aged so well.

I didn't have strong opinions of most titles many have mentioned here. I was ready for Cyberpunk to be worse given the GB crews apathy prior to release. Mass Effect: Andromeda and Fallout 4 were more or less in the same boat (given the prior releases by those studios there was little reason to believe they'd be reinventing the wheel).

No Man's Sky was a pretty hard hitting disappointment due to the pre-release excitement and post release realisations. I've learnt to keep my expectations in check more and more since then. I'm interested to see what Starfield will be but my current expectations are otherwise relatively low given BGS's downward trend.

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@kunakai: I don't know if they are my personal most disappointing but those Infinity Engine games are all pretty lackluster. And I'd go so far as to say all of the added content is straight up bad.

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#26  Edited By MagnetPhonics

Videoball (most disappointing): For a game that looked great in development and got a lot of promotional hype (Dave Lang showing up at giantbomb to demo it,) and multiple 9/10 reviews at big publications, the game sure could only be enjoyed in a hyperspecific niche situation. Not only wasn't it enjoyable, but it was actually unplayable in a lot of other situations and it lacked basic features (if you played the "2v2" campaign single player, you got no AI teammate. And you couldn't even quit the game on PC!)

Doom Eternal (most disappointing game big enough to be worth getting disappointed about): Remember Genji 2 at the 2006 Sony E3 conference. Replace "Actual Japanese history" with "RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE!" And then replace the giant enemy crab with a long tutorial explaining the exact way you need an enemy to turn around so you can hit its weak spot for massive damage.

Outer Wilds (my most disappointing experience): Great game from what I played. But kind of ruined by the fact the developers/publishers didn't consider it worth warning people about (or retracting) a known bug in a patch that causes the game's single save file to get corrupted and erase all progress.

Kentucky Route Zero (most disappointing release): Not the (series of) game(s) itself, which is incredible. But the manner of the final release seemed almost specifically designed to remove it from the public consciousness.

Annapurna showing up twice in my list... strange that.

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The Order 1886

Mass Effect Andromeda


Super Mario Maker 2

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My gut reaction is FF15, a game that I genuinely feel is the worst out of all the mainline entries and it isn't really even close. There are things to enjoy about it for sure, but it has the worst story telling in the entire series. The truly disappointing part is that there's the thread of a great story and game there, just enough to get you invested in it during the first half, but it completely fizzles out into nothingness after that with plot points and characters abandoned wholesale and new ones introduced in lengthy exposition with no prior build-up.

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MGS V for me. Bored me to tears and the story was barely there. I finished the main game, and when they revealed Chapter 2, I just gave up and looked it up on YouTube.

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Most disappointing is always a tough award to give because it requires that there were expectations towards a game. And most of last-gen games were sequels that were more of the same and "just fine", usually not bad enough to warrant this award.

I would say Far Cry 4. It was more of the same with a worse story than FC 3 (that many people also hated). Assassin's Creed might also be a good pick but that franchise was already running out of steam and Black Flag ended up being just of an exception.

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Destiny. There hasn't been a game more immediately disappointing to me this generation. I'm a huge Halo and Bungie fan, and everything about it seemed to be my exact kind of jam... but it was such a shell of a game at launch. Not to mention the storytelling felt nonexistent to me, even compared to Bungie's Halo games, which were at least competent in their storytelling. And the design of the game, along with most of the updates in its first year, was baffling. They eventually got the game to a better place with Taken King, and I had a lot of fun with it, but that initial launch still sticks in my mind.

Runners-up would be:

Mass Effect Andromeda: I really liked Inquisition and thought BioWare had turned things around. I played a ton of this game (beat it 2.5 times) and I loved the gunplay, but eventually I realized the writing and VO are mostly bad, especially compared to the original trilogy. The extreme lack of polish didn't help.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: It wasn't terrible, but it felt like a big step back after the first two reboot games.

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The one who started this is definitely among the front-runners... Whoops my mistake, I thought this was "most disappointing forum poster." :P

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@mezmero said:

The one who started this is definitely among the front-runners... Whoops my mistake, I thought this was "most disappointing forum poster." :P


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I haven't played a lot of the games people often point to for this. For me though, it's Life is Strange 2.

In Life is Strange 2, they managed to take all of the wrong lessons from what needed to be improved from the first game. They basically made a game that skipped all of the strengths of the first game (strong environmental storytelling based on a consistent environment changing as time goes on, a good cast of side characters whose backstories get filled in as the game progresses, character relationships that build throughout the game) and instead emphasized the weaknesses (lack of player agency in many story plot points, major plot hole issues, some nonsensical character developments).

The most frustrating thing is that, at least for the first half hour, it seemed like they were on the right track. They introduce a bunch of interesting characters and build a world around the main characters that's quite neat. All of that gets thrown out the window after a half hour and things just continually go downhill from there. They made a really poor and nonsensical plot decision for the first episode and it felt like the rest of the game was spent trying to justify this decision in increasingly bizarre and unbelievable ways. This decision made it so side characters could only play small roles the main story and forced progression in a way that removed choices ever having an impact. This is what made the game so disappointing for me. Below the surface there could have been an amazing game better than the first one but instead the game ended up being a complete mess.

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Kind of a niche pick here, but Videoball super bummed me out. I had friends constantly talking it up, how it was gonna be this great multiplayer thing, the press hype was pretty intense, the trailers were clever, it was the final round of the Omegathon at PAX East one year...and then it came out and everyone played it for 45 minutes. It's just not fun! Sure, it controls well enough, but they added all these maps and modes and shit (almost all of them are terrible), nobody's online, and it just doesn't feel like you ever outplay or got outplayed ever. Seriously, the game looks gorgeous in motion but playing it feels like watching one of those baby sensory videos.

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#37  Edited By BisonHero

Using a generous definition of "last generation," I was pretty deeply disappointed with Fire Emblem Fates (specifically Birthright). I liked that Fire Emblem was back after a period of international dormancy, but Awakening wasn't a perfect entry, and then Fates, the quick turnaround 3DS sequel to Awakening, is basically the same game again. They slightly smooth out some of the mechanics, but it's so the same game again except the story is spread across 2 carts and a DLC campaign, and just no thanks. I stopped playing Birthright after like 10-12 missions because the characters felt more shallow and boring than Awakening and I wasn't super into the missions or story so I just didn't see the point. I know Conquest is structured differently than the Birthright/Awakening grindathon, but all the combat mechanics and characters and support conversations still seemed so recycled and played out that I didn't event want to look at it.

The series has continued down a path of being too grindy (when it used to be a tight, fixed-length campaign of 30-35 missions), having dull map designs that are just giant flat plains with random bushes that don't force tough tactical decisions, and having overly waifu-like characters at times, but Fates is a real low point for me.

At least they're trying some weird design change shit in Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses, though some of the design decisions in those games are also missteps or half-baked. I think the story and character/support-conversation writing is at least improving as of Three Houses.

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For me, I'd probably say Driveclub because the driving physics feels kind of weird for the traditional arcade racing standards.

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#40  Edited By Giant_Gamer

What comes to mind are two games:


I don't which is worse.

is it splitting the game into two parts?

or releasing an unfinished game?

either way the game was a disaster and unlike most it was the worst MGS game in my opinion.

2- Last of US 2

I never saw the last of us as a gameplay game like the aforementioned game MGS, which is why I never got into its multiplayer like some people did. I came to the game with great expectations after the superb ending. So, you can imagine my feelings when I realised that the writers have made the worst decision possible right in the first part of the game.

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#41  Edited By Jesus_Phish
@sparky_buzzsaw said:

My gut instinct is to say Final Fantasy XV but it's kind of hard to have great expectations for that series anymore. For me personally, I'm going to say Civ VI. It's not a bad game, but it loses the spark of IV and V in a way that's really disappointing and it turned workers into unnecessary busywork in the process.

EDIT: I wrote this and immediately thought of Boderlands 3, and yup, that's the answer.


ME: Andromeda

Infamous Second Sun

Gran Turismo Sport

No Man's Sky (at launch)


Street Fighter

I was going to say Doom Eternal until I saw you mentioning Civ Vi and yeah it's Civ Vi. I put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into Civ V and even go back to it now. Civ Vi I played like two games off and said "well this kind of sucks" and have completely forgotten it exists. In fact it's going to be in this months Humble Choice and I couldn't even remember that I bought and played Civ Vi.

Runner up is Doom Eternal. I know that's such a marmite game between people either seem to love or hate it and I'm in the hate it camp. Doom 2016 is an all time top 10 for me and everything leading up to the launch of Eternal made it seem like it was going to be a slam dunk. Everyone in the games press who was hype on Doom 2016 after it launched, felt hyped about what they had seen of Eternal, and then it came out and it just wasn't there.

I might think Doom Eternal is bad, but at least I remember it's existence.

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Probably ME Andromeda. It's still one of only two games I ever refunded and the only one of those two that was outright bad. I hated every line of dialouge that left a character's mouth and immediately did not care for the story set up. As someone who put stupid amounts of time into the franchise, ME 1 specifically, this one hurt and confirmed to me my beloved Bioware that brought me games I still replay like KOTOR and Jade Empire was truly dead.

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FFXV for me too, I had high hopes for a return to form and found it lacking on the key things I want from Final Fantasy games. The story was poorly told and unfinished, there were only 2 proper towns to visit, magic was all just grenades and there's a small cast of characters each with very little story time spent on them.

I enjoyed the dungeons and the open world for the most part but they take up too much of the game and everything else seems rushed and unfinished. Hopefully they use FF7R as the template going forward, to me that fixed most of my issues with XV and Midgar alone felt more varied and interesting than the whole continent in FFXV.

I hope they don't make the same mistakes when trying to cram a big, empty open world into FF7R2 otherwise that thing's gonna be 40 hours of busywork and 1 hour of story in Kalm (and a Sephiroth fight, probably)

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#44  Edited By BaneFireLord

Tossup between Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and The Outer Worlds.

Middle Earth somehow took a bunch of elements from franchises I adore in their own right (Assassin’s Creed, Lord of the Rings and Arkham Asylum) and made something I outright disliked, a hideously dull open world action game whose Nemesis System gimmick was pretty much a nonentity if you were any good at the combat and didn’t spend a lot of time dying. I’m still a little salty it got the Game of the Year nod on here.

As for Outer Worlds, I probably would have been much happier with it if it had been marketed properly and wasn’t trying to force the New Vegas comparison every step of the way. A collection of shoeboxy and distressingly static world zones with barebones combat and bog standard “lol capitalism” writing does not favorably compare to one of the better RPGs ever made. I do have higher hopes for a sequel, since the place the story winds up is a far more interesting premise than where it began and Obsidian has that Microsoft money now, but as the first step into a new franchise I was sorely disappointed.

EDIT: Wrote all this and totally forgot about Arkham Knight. A boring, poorly paced slog with the True Ending locked behind a billion Riddler trophies in a shitty checklist open world was one hell of a downfall for what had previously been one of my favorite series.

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Breath of the Wild for me, sadly. Weapon degradation didn't bother me so much as the extreme repetition of tasks/rewards and the tedious emptiness of the world. I felt that it traded the series' identity and tight design for a diffuse experience that was ultimately very dull.

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#46  Edited By Junkerman

Mass Effect Andromeda - The combat and gameplay was pretty good - everything else was just a disaster.

Runners Up:

The Outer Worlds - I really wanted to enjoy this game, absolutely loved the first planet, but after that for reasons I cant explain my opinion sours immensely on the game as soon as you get to Monarch. I've tried playing it twice about a year a part and my experience was identical to the first. Maybe someone with a greater understanding can explain to me why this is. I suspect its because the first planet was small and tight and you spent less time shooting and fighting and more time making meaningful skill checks and decisions. After that the relatively meaningless combat and the fact you can max every skill on one character negates really any roleplaying potential.

MGSV - I'm not the biggest MGS fan but what I expect out of it is to be stupefied by hours and hours of absolutely insane nonsense. MGSV on the other hand was some really cool gameplay ideas with MMO level story content and MMO level quest design and repetition. I'm glad I got to see the parts of MGSV I enjoyed realized in Death Stranding which was one of my favorite games of this last Generation.

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Too many too choose:

  • Anthem
  • Mass Effect Andromeda
  • Death Stranding
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Watch Dogs Legion
  • Fallout 76

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#48  Edited By MagnetPhonics
@kyary said:

Kind of a niche pick here, but Videoball super bummed me out. ... It's just not fun! Sure, it controls well enough,

Beat you to it 10 posts earlier ;)

I actually kind of hated the controls too. I found it required way too much manouvering inside what would normally be the deadzone of a controller.

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#49 wollywoo  Online

@ll_exile_ll said:
@ajamafalous said:

Outer Wilds for me.

Wilds or Worlds? I can see Outer Worlds being a disappointment, but Outer Wilds is probably a top 10 game of the generation for me.

The one that was ostensibly a puzzle game, but every 'puzzle' (to use the term lightly) solution was obvious within the first 15 seconds of thinking about it but the game was so bad at telling you whether your initial solution was incorrect because you had the wrong answer or whether you just mechanically controlled your character/ship wrong, and where the punishment for controlling your character wrong was often losing 5-15 minutes of your time to restart the entire loop again.

In many individual 'puzzle' solutions and in the narrative as a whole, the game tries to lead the player to believe there's some grand reveal that will make the player recontextualize the puzzle/narrative at the end of the breadcrumb trail they've laid out. For me, every 'grand reveal' just ended up being the initial solution I thought of but took failure to mean 'come back because you'll figure something else out about this later,' not 'you just weren't 'entering the solution' correctly in the way that the game wanted you to.' It was one of the most frustrating games I've ever played, yet I was never once stumped by a puzzle or its solution. To me, that is a grand failure of puzzle design.

Puzzle games (Myst, The Witness, Obduction, Quern, Talos Principle, Fez, Antichamber, Supraland, etc.) are my favorite genre of game, so by comparison Outer Wilds did not live up to my expectations at all.

This is an interesting reaction that I agree with in part. Outer Wilds can be very frustrating at times, and yes it's kind of bad at communicating to the player which "puzzles" are really puzzles and which are just general wonkiness, although I certainly can't say the solutions were obvious to me within 15 seconds.

However, I think the game more than makes up for it with the general grandness of the setting and story. For me, the grand reveals absolutely worked. It's one of the most memorable games I've ever played. Personally, I think this could do with a next-gen remaster - it's one of the few games that I feel could be seriously improved with better tech. Some of the visuals were a bit amateurish, like the Hourglass Twins having a giant ugly tube between them. They could also iron out some of the wonkiness and improve some of the puzzles to be less obtuse. If they added a new planet or two at the same time and fleshed out the lore....... I would be in love.

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Categorically Pac Man CE DX 2. I have never been so mad at a game for squandering so much good will.