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Hey, if this becomes the defacto thread for "help us get episodes of Blight Club fixed!" I don't consider that hijacking.

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Still seems to be down for me and I'm still checking occasionally. Same thing seems to be happening to the newest Episode too: Superdan 64: 005. Sorry to keep harping about this, but keeping an offline repository of Blight Club is inordinately important to me. :)

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#3  Edited By narficacid

Hey there Duders (does anyone still use that but me?), there's some talk about this in the comments for the video, but it's been this way for a few days, so I figured I'd drop something here:

The downloadable video for Episode 4 of Mike Miquanchi (for short) cut off early when it first was uploaded. Since then, there's now just a "Processing" under the download button now. I'm assuming the original, truncated version got taken down and we're waiting for another upload, but it's been this way for at least a few days that I've see, as I said above, so just wondered if this is still being worked on? I'm getting the same thing using both Chrome and Edge.

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I've been a fan of this website (and a lurker on these boards) since the beginning. Every time a big change has happened, I've said to myself, "Maybe it's time that I just move on from Giant Bomb." That's happened like 2 or 3 times in the history of this site. The firing of Jeff by RV and the Fandom firings of Jess and Jason broke my heart and brought me closer to that edge than I've ever been...and yet I'm still here.

There's great people still making great content here (though I agree with the first poster in that you should judge the quality of the current content by just watching it - everyone likes something different and other people's opinion of what's being made are never going to fit with yours 100%). I may let my premium subscription lapse in November this year, but I'm still a fan of Giant Bomb as it is now.

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Gotta feel bad for GB and everything the crew has been put through. Really hope things get better, more stable for them.

For now, I'm just thankful that people have their jobs and bask in the uneasy glow of uncertainty.

Many people here with takes that I agree with, but you both summarized what I would want to say. "Positivity until proven otherwise" is the way I want to go about most things in my life and that goes for still my favorite gaming site on the interwebs.

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There have been many times when I would have considered myself to be sacrificing other things in my life for games, but the one that comes most readily to mind was during grad school. I was dealing with some personal issues that kept me from doing much other than go to class, walk my dog, and eat/sleep. I was playing video games 15-18 hours a day. My two most played (but I had plenty of others) were Spelunky and Euro Truck Simulator 2. I blame Giant Bomb for both of them. :) Spelunking with Scoops had me hooked to playing Spelunky myself and ETS2 was because of the Quick Look, and was just a nice escape/low impact way to not deal with my real world.

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I started following this website shortly after the first Arrow Pointing Down Podcast. Day One fan, and in that time, I have gone from working as a stock person for Fred Meyer/Kroger; a Victim's Advocate with my local Sexual Assault Center; a Grad Student; and now (and hopefully forever) a Mental Health Counselor in private practice. This website has seen me through every life change that I've made since 2007.

I'm indebted to this crew (changeable as it might be) more than I can say for keeping me laughing and positive through 15 years of insane changes, personal trauma, and achieving my life's dream. I'm going to stick around to see what happens. Seems like the least I can do.

Jeff, I will miss you on this website more than I can put into words. It will forever be your creation and it will forever have changed my life. I will keep following you, but I feel like I need to put these words here today to say one simple thing:

Thank You, Duder.

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#8  Edited By narficacid

Normally I like the extra challenge/time/story of a game that I've put a lot of time in (this coming from someone who yearly plays through Batman Arkham City and does ALL of the Riddler Trophies, sidequests, and post game Catwoman collections). Though every once in a while a game will come along that makes me second guess the post game dungeons. My first Dragon Quest game that I completed was Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen on the NDS. There was an added narrative chapter to that game that basically required a fully leveled party. Looking at the tens of hours that I would just have to mindlessly grind in the final dungeon to do that, I made the decision to just let the story end for me there, but I TOTALLY get the feeling as if FFXV would be incomplete for you by leaving the party hanging.

You ain't weird, you're just drawn into the narrative.

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I finally stopped resisting the call of this game, and I’m pleasantly surprised how active it sill is.

My code is: 0560 8941 4487

Name is Snorky1929

Happy hunting, duders!

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The first time I played through Mexico, I felt the section was overly long and I found myself constantly wondering why Marston would continually choose to work for totally disinterested parties who clearly were going to screw him over in the end and had no intention of helping him, just using him as a hired gun to further their cause.

The second time though, I actually enjoyed witnessing the revolution from both sides and seeing the Animal Farm nature of the "both sides are equally corrupt just for different reasons" story. Ultimately I'd say a yay from me.