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    Cave Story 3D

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Nov 08, 2011

    Nicalis and NIS bring the cult favorite 2D platformer to the 3DS with new content and polygonal graphics.

    reagent's Cave Story 3D (Nintendo 3DS) review

    Avatar image for reagent

    Impossible in 3D but still better on 3DS

    The problem I've always had with Cave Story is that the controls simply aren't tight enough. When platformers feel too loose, jumping is a nightmare. With the 3DS' analog nub, I hoped Cave Story's handheld transition would finally offer the fluid and responsive controls the game so desperately needs.

    The PC version is the worst offender for wobbly controls. I've never found keyboards conducive to platformers and quickly lost the will to push through the increasingly more frustrating levels as my fingers fumbled over the keys. Perhaps I lack the innate skill so many people have to play games like this on a computer.... I don't think that's it, though. Keyboards simply aren't smooth enough.

    That's why I eventually gave in to the WiiWare edition. Despite the dramatic increase in price from free to $12, I hoped having an actual D-pad to play Cave Story with would solve my problems. If you are unfamiliar with the Wii Remote's D-pad, you might be surprised to learn that it is also woefully unresponsive despite Nintendo's history with designing very solid controllers.

    Cave Story 3D is my last hope for a responsive, enjoyable version of this game.

    The first thing I do with any 3DS title is test how long I can stand to play it in 3D. For Cave Story, I lasted approximately three minutes before shifting the slider down to 2D in disgust. When I was in 3D mode, lining up very precise and treacherous jumps and trying to prevent the screen from blurring is just as clumsy as platforming with a keyboard. Cave Story 3D is the most persnickety game I had to contend with. It falls in and out of focus so easily that I could not see enemies before they had nearly killed me.

    Without the 3D, however, this redesigned Cave Story is the most responsive and rewarding I've played. As I hoped, the analog nub is much more precise and allows for greater control over jumps and angles. The game is still incredibly difficult, but I feel more in control than ever before. But it's hard to call Cave Story 3D the definitive edition based on how abysmal the 3D support is.

    Hey, maybe platformers shouldn't be in 3D to begin with, just like they shouldn't be played with keyboards....

    Other reviews for Cave Story 3D (Nintendo 3DS)

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      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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