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  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic Has anyone been reading any good modern Sci-FI/Fantasy?. on the Off-Topic board

    From currently active writers I can wholeheartedly recommend-Adrian Tchaikovsky, Children of Time is a good place to start, unless you hate spiders- Alastair Reynolds (Mass Effect took wholesale the p...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic Ugly characters. on the Fable board

    Other than British people being... alright that joke was already posted. But the internet is already super poisoned by every fringe opinion getting fair play at start, then amplified for abrasiveness,...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic Perfecting the Yellow Russian?. on the General Discussion board

    Contrary to the previous posts, I think it's obvious that you start with a bechamel style sauce, but like a really small amount of oil and flour, and continue to thin it out with the milk/cream adding...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic DOOM is turning 30 so let's ramble about DOOM. on the Doom board

    Original Doom and more specifically after playing Doom II (The super shotgun, the new enemies) was a life altering experience for me. Sure, Doom II was an expansion pack (damn, the venacular in the a...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic Video player not working in Firefox. on the Bug Reporting board

    Not working here either, with cookies enabled. It's weird too, I tried a different brower, and a video worked, then after one time working, videos play with just sound, no picture. I tried with 4 diff...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic The "Can't remember the name of this game" Thread v3.0. on the General Discussion board

    @sugarcoated: Maybe Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse Zelda-like/rpg, lots of beefy boys in middle-eastern setting (desert-stuff), '93 rele...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic The "Can't remember the name of this game" Thread v3.0. on the General Discussion board

    @casolino: Montezuma's Return

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic The Metal Thread. on the Off-Topic board

    Loading Video...'in cadence of "I like turtles"'I like Bölzer

  • mkeskimaki posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 06: U2's "Songs of Innocence".

    I'm so early that all the audio is in the left channel. Maybe I'll just blast my speakers instead.

  • mkeskimaki posted a message on the post Jeff Gerstmann's Pro BMX XXX.

    -Early 2002 E3 impressions.... first sentence "Dave Mirra's got dirty"-Who wrote that?-You.....-Bummer...

  • mkeskimaki posted a message in the forum topic How is it that 80s/90s action stars are still super memorable?. on the Off-Topic board

    Good points all around, but I think this is valid as well:I'd say that action movies have changed as well, and there's more to 80's style movies as well.One of my main pet-peeves to post 80's action ...

  • mkeskimaki posted a new image.