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Average score of 16 user reviews

Not Exactly Epic but Epic Mickey Is Something Special 3

What happens when you have the works of Warren Spector mixed with our beloved Disney character Mickey Mouse? The result is a video game that may look familiar to fans of Spector's and Mickey's but at the same time, it's something completely different that takes you in a bizarre journey from start to finish.   "We're in game?" There is an essence of Warren Spector's work in Epic Mickey even though you don't see it visually. There are no upgrade systems like Deus Ex or stealthy combats ...

7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

An Improved Sequel but Still Leaves You Unsatisfied 0

Bad to the bone once again!  Dementium: The Ward is hailed as one of the best looking games for the Nintendo DS but it does has its misses. Dementium II attempts to correct all the mistakes by listening to all the feedbacks from press and fans alike and put them all together into the game. Taking place after the events of Dementium: The Ward, you once again assume the role of William Redmoor, the main protagonist from the first game who was unnamed and somehow managed to survive the madness from...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Unique Game but Not Worth The Full Retail Price. 0

If you have played Kane & Lynch: Dead Men before then you're familiar with the two characters in the front cover who look like they're ready for war.  It's a game about two guys who had to cooperate with one another for survival and love, among other things. Dog Days takes place after the events of Dead Men and the setting is now in Shanghai.   Tom & Jerry with attitudes You play as Lynch, the medicated psychopath who had trouble controlling his actions in Dead Men, resulting to many...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Metroid: Other M Is A Satisfying Game from Start to Finish 0

 I'm back! Metroid: Other M is the highly anticipated game from Nintendo which lets you once again take control of Samus Aran, one of the most powerful bounty hunters in the galaxy. It is co-developed by Team Ninja, the same people who created the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series and Other M follows the same formula with those games in some shape or form. Like Metroid Prime, many people showed signs of doubts when this game was first announced in 2009 because of the way it was designed. W...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Compelling and Creative Game but with some Rough Edges 0

From the publishers of Dementium: The Ward and Insecticide comes yet another original game for the handheld market but with a few misses. Mushroom Men: Rise of The Fungi is a side-scrolling platform game which acts as a prequel to its successor: The Spore Wars on the Wii. The premise is that a meteor crashes down on Earth, causing the aftershock to rain down a strange green dust to the atmosphere. This dust is harmless to humans but has a big effect on flora, fauna and fungi. This causes them to...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Worst Ghostbusters Game Ever Made 0

Ghostbusters on the NES is abysmal. Nothing about it is good. Not even average. All the important aspects in a video game are not present in Ghostbusters. If you haven't experience Ghostbusters on the NES, you're one lucky sonnafa gun. Ghostbusters is a very very boring game with limited sound effects, repetitive music, dull graphics and broken controls.   Map of doomThe moment you boot up Ghostbusters to your console and see the title screen, you'll know you're in for an awful trip to hell. You...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An Underappreciated Gritty Game That May Suit One's Taste 1

One that has the most realistic storyline with compelling characters, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a gripping video game that may deliver too much senseless swearing and mediocre replay value, but the dark humor and non-stop action are so cool that you may be willing to forgive Kane & Lynch's shortcomings. Help me. Help you. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is the latest instalment from the creators of the Hitman series. You play as Kane, a death row inmate who was a member of an underground ...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Despite Some Shortcomings, Moon Delivers What It Promises 0

 Bad business in space From the creators of the award-winning Dementium: The Ward, Renegade Kid has unleashed a new First-Person Shooter called Moon. This new installment is much more story-driven than Dementium with slightly better graphics, some decent voice overs and terrific replay value. The year is 2058 and you play as Major Edward Kane, a gun-wielding astronaut who is send to the Moon along with his other comrades as they discover some relics and hidden passages that are presumed to b...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

My All Time Favourite Video Game Ever! 0

Making a good adventure game is not easy. It takes a lot of creativity and patient to put everything together. There are three things that designers must always tackle with: storylines, graphics, and sounds. Without these core mechanics, no games will ever be a true game and it's replay value will be at a minimal- and Grim Fandango is no exception.  Be a good boy...or else In Grim Fandango, you play as Manny Calavera who is literally "Grim Reaper" working for the Department of Death in the L...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An Unleashed Survival Horror Game for The Handheld Market 0

Dementium: The Ward is a First Person Shooter made exclusively for the Nintendo DS. It's a survival horror game that has a blend of such popular titles like Doom 3 and Silent Hill, just like what the front cover says. While it contains such creepy elements as the mentioned games but it somehow lacks certain aspects that make it worth playing.   At least he died with a smile on his face The game lets you begin as a nameless male individual who has no clue of his identity, his whereabouts and his ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One Deadly Assassin. Seven Killer Personalities. Brilliant! 0

What do you get if you combine both Shinji Mikami and Hiroyuki Kobayashi (The geniuses of the Resident Evil series), and the twisted mind of Mr. Suda 51? The result is Killer7. This game takes you to a whole new level that you think it might not be possible, but they did it anyways. And if you think games like Metal Gear Solid or Silent Hill is weird...think again!The Smiths  Killer7 is about Harman Smith, a sharp-witted, crippled old man who leads a syndicate that travels all around the wor...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Best Action Adventure & Most Frustrating Masterpiece 0

Ninja Gaiden is based on the classic arcade game that was released in 1988 and was known as the first video game to introduce cutscenes to the industry. You play as Ryu Hayabusa, a vindictive ninja who not only is the main character of the Ninja Gaiden series, but also a combatant in the Dead or Alive Series. He's on a hot trail for Doku, a mysterious and powerful being who's responsible for the massacre of the Hayabusa village and the death of Ryu's childhood friend, and now their champion is b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Possibly The Worst Batman Game You'll Ever Play 0

Batman: Dark Tomorrow is a game from Kemco that puts you in the role of the Dark Knight we all know as Batman. He receives a distress call from Commissioner Gordon about a group of bandits going catastrophic in Gotham City and it's up to the vigilante to stop this madness. After he puts those crooks out of mischief, he then receives another call from Oracle saying that her father, the Commissioner has gone missing. Who's responsible for his disappearance is up to you to find out.Not even the pol...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Sick, Twisted and Evil...but The Worst Part of It - It's Fun! 0

Never in my entire gaming life have I encountered such a brutal and violent video game. Manhunt is definitely the most violent, gruesome and sadistic video game ever made, not just graphically but also mentally. It's sick, twisted and evil...but the worst part of it - it's fun! Say cheese and die  In Manhunt, you play as James Earl Cash , a high-time criminal who was about to be sentenced to death at the beginning of the game, but somehow he mysteriously escapes. It later turns out tha...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An Underrated Game That's Worth Checking Out! 0

Have you seen the movie Rat Race? Remember how these twelve regular people were gambling in a casino and suddenly they were specially being selected to participate in a race that's worth two million dollars? Their goal was to reach from Las Vegas to New Mexico by whatever means necessary to claim their price, but little did they know they were under the surveillance of the owner of the casino and his group of rich bigshots, betting millions of dollars amongst themselves to see who will reign cha...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Scary. Suspense. Sickening. What Else Could You Ask For? 0

If you happen to be a fan of survival horror games and the Cthulhu Mythos, look no further. The year is 1922 and Call of Cthulhu sets you as Jack Walters, a private detective who is hired to investigate a missing person case on the small fishing town called Innsmouth. Bringing no weapons but only his wits, little does he know that the locals in Innsmouth isn't your typical residents who are a cult group and are trying to kill Jack in manners that you can't possibly imagine. They obviously have s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.