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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

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  • This game technically came out on a platform I don't own in 2014. Sounds like a great excuse to give 2013's best God-damn hard ass game a moment in the sun. (OK I just wanted to brag to no one in particular that I have a sub 30 minute, deathless run in ending A.)

  • World's greatest game about dead fetuses, poop, and religious fanaticism!

  • I'm going to cut the snark for this one just so you understand how serious I am. The Walking Dead continues to be an awesome adaptation of one of my favorite fictional universes. No easy decisions exist in a world where every moment is a fight for life and death.

  • Just one...more...shot at that damn Blimp!

  • God-damn that music is good! And the Duck-Tales meets Mega Man gameplay isn't bad either.

  • The first post Super Meat Boy game to ALMOST live up to the near-perfection of SMB.

  • A roguelike sidescrolling beat-em-up: if this game had been longer and/or harder, it would have been MUCH higher on this list.

  • Not since Tetris for the Gameboy have I been so engrossed in a puzzle game.

  • Inventing my next gun and testing it out by murdering chibi-looking times.

  • I have played approximately 8,000 matches in this wonderfully simple and addictive card-based wrestling game. Come at my fully leveled Legendary Pro Natalya!

    "Look, man, don't judge!"

    -Owl Man